

游戏 评价内容 评价时间
PUBG MOBILE 手机版大逃杀的开山之作,整体画质不错,游戏建模及背景优化都十分不错,虽然人物在建模上有一点误差,但不碍于它的热度十分稳定,加上近期爆火的地铁逃生模式,让他们的热度更加火爆,游戏玩法多种多样,游戏皮肤花里胡哨,更加捕获了新一代年轻人的需求 2022-08-07 18:11:05
现代战舰:在线海战(官方版) 堪比电脑版海战游戏,内存仅有几百多M,但画质却做得非常优秀,游戏内的建模也十分不错,且玩法多样,可以跟世界各地的真人玩家在线对战也能离线游戏,游戏内的武器装备及战舰基本还原现实,值得推荐 2022-08-07 18:06:02
方块战场 是一款78.6MB的像素战争对抗竞技类型游戏,且不吃手机配置,简单易上手,对待想玩端游的战争游戏的手机玩家,是一个很不错的推荐,游戏地图广阔,分为红蓝双方,武器虽然很少,但整体优化很不错,值得推荐 2022-08-07 18:03:49
Apex 英雄 来自国外友人的真实评价: The overall impression of this game is good.Get rid of the competitive type of FPS games.Make the game characters have skills. The details and optimization of the game are very good. 2022-07-27 23:45:01
武装掠夺 来自国外友人的真实评价: This game is very, very good.The game is roughly divided into two camps.Let us experience the fun of robbery on our mobile phones.The quality of the game is also very good.Weapon modeling game skin is also very good.If you want to experience the game of robbery, then this must not be missed! 2022-07-27 23:42:34
CSGO Mobile 来自国外友人的测评: This game is very good,But not enough in the details.For example, the main interface is very boring.Apart from not being able to squeeze into the game, haha.The picture quality and so on are very good.So it's a very good game.It can be called the mobile version of CS go.But it is worth mentioning that,The skin is very novel The only fly in the ointment is that the keys are too messy.And it is very troublesome to change that key positionOK, this is the end of my summary. 2022-07-27 23:37:02