Magic Archer: Hero hunt for gold and glory
Are you ready to have the courage to save the world from evil forces and terrible monsters?!Go on a legendary hunt and save the fantasy world from an army of enemies!Upgrade your powerful skills, get incredible new weapon and equipment (from unique to legendary), and defeat epic bosses!Go through thousands of levels with obstacles and hordes of monsters and collect untold treasures of the dungeons.Create unstoppable combinations of skills and weapon to help you defeat monsters and demons.Use your bow and arrow to survive and become a hero of archery.Only a true archer hero can save this world from chaos. Become a legend.Forward to meet glory and gold!All this in the new fantasy arrow game - Magic Archer: hero hunt for gold and gloryKey Features:* explore many colorful magic worlds and dungeons* unlock powerful unique weapons, cool armor, awesome rings and magic artifacts* learn epic skills and create crazy combinations to win* fight impossible bosses and various scary monstersStart hunting now! Get your bow and arrow ready. An unforgettable adventure awaits you. Millions of monsters and tons of gold in Magic Archer: hero hunt for gold and glory.


开发商: Kometa.Games
版本号: 0.331催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2022-12-02
安卓版本要求: 5.1及更高


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