Blood Moon Calling: Vampire Otome Romance Game
■ Synopsis ■ Your comfortable life is shattered by the disappearance of your father and the spread of a mysterious scourge. While searching for a cure, a dangerous vampire lord steals you away for some unknown purpose and introduces you to a world of night. Mesmerized by Gothic castles, secret passages, and endless opulence, you fall further into the darkness.Will you stop the scourge and find true love in the light, or pursue forbidden desires and take your place in the underworld? Choose wisely and uncover the intrigue of vampire aristocracy, the truth about your mysterious companions, and the secrets within yourself in this two-season romantic epic!■ Characters ■ ・Cassius - The Town Doctor "You trust too easily, girl. You don't realize how dangerous I really am." Cassius is cold and pessimistic but quick to take charge of any situation. He may be a skilled physician, but he has absolutely no bedside manner. He refuses to open up to anyone, and you can't help but wonder what made him become a doctor in the first place. Can you prove to Cassius he's worthy of love, despite his past sins?・Raoul - The Devout Priest "It doesn't take much light to push away the shadows. With a little faith, we can cast the darkness aside." Your childhood friend and a well-respected priest. Kind and loyal, he sees the good in others and does his best to stand against injustice. Raoul has devoted his life to the church, but when his world begins to crumble, will your devotion be enough to hold it together?・Virgil - The Puppet Master "I'd much rather tease you than answer difficult questions. You're such a cute toy to play with, after all." The eccentric town puppet master who speaks in riddles. 'King' of orphans and misfits, Virgil views the world as a stage, and life is nothing but a performance. Can you see through his act and find the man hidden within?■概要■父亲的失踪和神秘祸患的蔓延破坏了您的舒适生活。在寻找治疗方法时,一个危险的吸血鬼领主会以某种未知的目的将您抢走,并带您进入一个黑夜的世界。被哥特式城堡,秘密通道和无尽的奢华迷住了,您进一步陷入了黑暗。您会停止祸害,在光明中找到真爱,还是追求被禁止的欲望并在黑社会中占据一席之地?明智地选择,在这个为期两季的浪漫史诗中,了解吸血鬼贵族的魅力,关于神秘伴侣的真相以及您内心的秘密!■人物■・卡修斯-城镇医生“你太容易相信了,女孩。你没有意识到我真的有多危险。”卡修斯很冷淡,但很悲观,但很快就可以应付任何情况。他可能是一个熟练的医师,但是他绝对没有床旁态度。他拒绝向任何人开放,您不禁想知道是什么使他成为了医生。尽管过去曾犯过罪,你能向卡修斯证明他值得爱吗?・劳尔-虔诚牧师“推开阴影并不需要太多的光。只要有一点信念,我们就可以将黑暗抛在一边。”您的儿时朋友和一位受人尊敬的牧师。善良而忠诚,他看到别人的好处,并竭力反对不公正。拉乌尔一生致力于教会,但是当他的世界开始崩溃时,您的奉献足以将其团结起来吗?・维吉尔-木偶大师“我宁愿逗你,也不愿回答棘手的问题。毕竟,你是一个很可爱的玩具。”怪异的城市木偶大师,在谜语中说话。维吉尔(Virgil)是孤儿和失散的“国王”,将世界视为一个舞台,生活不过是一种表演。您能看清他的举动并找到隐藏在其中的人吗?


开发商: Genius Inc
版本号: 3.1.15催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2024-05-23
语言: 英文
安卓版本要求: 5.1及更高



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