Bride Wedding Dresses
Just imagine how it would be to have an important moment in your life that is illustrated in an event you have to attend, then increase the necessity of a unique look you might need for that kind of event. Well, this girl dress up game is about to intensify those emotions for you in order to empathize with this girl you have to help out with her outfit. Gather your forces and create something stunning. Play with colors to get that desired look and stand out in this wedding game. It's her big day and you are her only hope, make her dream come true and try to please everyone with your choices. Go to the spa and pamper her hair a little bit because she needs all the relaxing time she can get. Accomplish the task you are assigned to take care of in the spa domain and do your best to create an amazing difference in her look and also you’ll get her own attire she’ll be proud of. Get a nice haircut to fit your outfit and don't forget to add some accessories to personalize the final aspect. The next step includes the wedding dress up where you’ll take care of the outfit from the ground. Begin with the hairstyle and continue with a beautiful dress that will match the chosen accessories you’ve got. Sparkling jewelry, immaculate dress, fantastic shoes, glowing veil and a remarkable tiara are the elements that characterized the look you are going to offer. This game offers more than you would expect, check out some of the great features it presents: - The possibility to design more outfits for a beautiful bride to be - Free and cool to play - Easy control of the game - Entertaining background sounds and nice graphics - Play with textures and merge it with the theme - Opportunity to make a total makeover - Be a fashion and hair designer too - Major influence on a bride look on her big day - Creating your own fashion wedding collection 试想一下,怎么会是在你的生活中,你必须参加一个活动说明一个重要的时刻,再增加一个独特的外观,你可能需要对这种活动的必要性。好了,这个女孩装扮游戏即将加剧这些情绪对你为了这个女孩你一定要帮她一起装同情。召集你的军队,并创造一些令人惊叹。颜色游戏来获取所需的外观和在这个婚礼游戏中脱颖而出。这是她的大日子,你是她唯一的希望,让她梦想成真,并试图取悦所有人,你的选择。前往水疗中心和疼惜她的头发一点点,因为她需要所有的放松的时间,她可以得到的。完成你被分配到照顾在水疗区和尽最大努力创造她的样子惊人的差异,你也将获得自己的装束,她会很骄傲的任务。得到一个不错的发型适合你的衣服,不要忘记添加一些配件以个性化的最后一个方面。 接下来的步骤包括婚纱礼服了,你会照顾装的从地面。与发型开始,并继续与一个漂亮的衣服,将匹配你有选择的配件。闪亮的珠宝,完美无暇的礼服,梦幻般的鞋,发光面纱,一个显着的头饰是表征你要提供的外观元素。 这个游戏提供超过你所期望的,看看它的一些介绍的强大功能: - 可能性设计更装备了一个美丽的新娘是 - 自由和酷玩 - 游戏的简易控制 - 娱乐背景声音和漂亮的图形 - 播放带有纹理,并与主题进行合并 - 有机会做一个总改造 - 成为一个时装和发型设计师太 - 在新娘的样子,她的大日子的主要影响 - 创建自己的时尚婚纱集合


开发商: Chic World
版本号: 1.2.1催更
包来源: 谷歌市场 (普通)
更新日期: 2024-07-08
语言: 英文
安卓版本要求: 7.0及更高


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