Guerrilla Bob
Guerrilla Bob offers stunning visuals, an arsenal of kick-ass weaponry, unique enemies, explosive ammunition and non-stop humor. If you’re having trouble installing the game, please check our F.A.Q:http://guerrillabob.blogspot.com/p/faq.html"iPad Game of the Week" - January 2011, iTunes"Achievement in Art" Finalist in International Games Festival Mobile Awards 2010 “Top 10 most anticipated iPhone games for 2010 – It's everything we've been asking for in a twin-stick shooter: depth, variety, and rewards. Guerrilla Bob finally delivers the three elements of which others in the genre have been so starved.” – PocketGamer “John Rambo has nothing on Guerrilla Bob.” – GameTrailers “More gunfire and explosions than a Michael Bay action trilogy.” – Cinema Blend “The art design is phenomenal. I said oh, wow! That's something else.” – TouchArcade KICK-A*S WEAPONRYBob can collect money from the enemies and use it in the shop to unlock a huge variety of weapons, each with their own upgrades:- Machinegun -Timed Bombs- Molotov Cocktail - Shotgun- Double Uzis- Flamethrower- Rocket Launcher- Grenade Launcher- Sticky Bow- Chain GunFAST-PACED SHOOTER COMBAT VERSUS DEADLY ENEMIES Face an army of fearsome foes wielding weapons of every variety. This is a challenge not for the faint of heart!SECRET AREAS AND POWER-UPS The story mode levels offer non-stop action with numerous gameplay twists plus exploration to discover hidden areas, secret Power-Ups and bonus items! EPIC BOSS FIGHTS The gateway to each new level is guarded by imposing boss enemies with uniquely powerful weapons and tactics. You will even have to face John Gore himself (from MiniGore fame)!A VARIETY OF GAMEPLAY MODES Dive into the Story Campaign where Guerilla Bob fights through dangerous canyons, steep deserts and dreadful towns. The story mode is split into Arcade mode, where Bob fights for fame, and Mercenary mode, where Bob fights for fortune. Alternatively, engage in Classic Survival Mode where endless enemies come at Bob from all directions in a closed arena environment. In Wave Attack Mode you fight waves of baddies and access the shop to purchase new arsenal. Extra difficulty modes are for players who think they’re experts!ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK AND PROFESSIONAL VOICESImmerse yourself into this humorous military shooter with an original soundtrack and professionally scripted voice-overs.Follow us on twitter @angrymobgames 游击队鲍勃提供惊人的视觉效果,对踢屁股武器装备的兵工厂,独特的敌人,爆弹药和不停的幽默。如果您无法安装游戏,请查看我们的常见问题解答:http://guerrillabob.blogspot.com/p/faq.html“iPad的游戏的周” - 2011年1月的iTunes在国际游戏节移动大奖2010“成就艺术”入围“十大最受期待的iPhone游戏在2010年 - 这是一切我们已经要求在双棒的射手:深度,品种,和奖励。游击队鲍勃终于提供了三个要素,其中其他人在体裁已如此饿死。“ - PocketGamer“约翰·兰博无关的游击队鲍勃。” - GameTrailers“更多的枪声和比迈克尔·贝的行动三部曲爆炸。” - 电影混合“艺术设计是惊人的。我说哦,哇!这是别的东西。“ - TouchArcadeKICK-A * S武器鲍勃可以从敌人敛财,并用它在店内解锁一个巨大的各种武器,每一个都有自己的升级: - 机枪炸弹定时限 - 莫洛托夫鸡尾酒 - 散弹枪 - 双Uzis - 火焰喷射器 - 火箭发射 - 榴弹发射器 - 粘性弓 - 链炮快节奏的射手COMBAT VERSUS死敌面对可怕的敌人挥舞着每一个各种武器的军队。这是一个挑战,不是为微弱的心脏!秘密区域和POWER-UPS故事模式水平提供了众多的游戏曲折探索加马不停蹄的行动,以发现隐藏的地方,秘密的电源UPS和物品奖励!EPIC老板打架通往每一个新的水平征收老板敌人独特而强大的武器和战术守卫。你甚至将要面对的约翰·戈尔自己(从MiniGore成名)!游戏模式多种潜入剧情战役,其中游击队鲍勃通过危险的峡谷,陡峭的沙漠和可怕的城镇。故事模式分为街机模式,鲍勃为名利,和雇佣兵模式,鲍勃为财富。另外,从事经典生存模式无尽的地方来的敌人,在鲍伯从一个封闭的舞台环境中的所有方向。在波攻击模式,你打坏人的海浪和获得购买新武器库的店铺。额外的困难模式是球员谁认为他们是专家!原声带及专业VOICES让自己沉浸到这个幽默与原声带和专业脚本配音军事射手。我们在twitter @angrymobgames


开发商: Angry Mob Games
语言: 英文



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