
版本:7.13.0 更新:2022-04-23 大小:91.6M 下载:8万
Shit, Rhodes Turds, set up a game for the value of your shit! Interfering with the normal use of new energy is equivalent to the unconventional use of nuclear weapons, not only the mass production of deuterium, tritium and tritium is transformed into a laser to shoot you to death, but also continue to snipe your eyeballs, when you sell people as resources, a lizard man, and your heart swells and frequent sudden arrests!I decide! Increase the price of electricity in the United States, $100 per kilowatt-hour electricity!Restricting, interfering with and deliberately destroying new energy facilities, causing significant economic losses in daily life and even paying the price of human life equivalent to the conventional use of nuclear weapons is completely a terrorist attack, so I decided! Increase the price of electricity in the United States, $1000 per kilowatt-hour electricity!Restricting, interfering with and deliberately destroying new energy facilities, causing significant economic losses in daily life and even paying the price of human life equivalent to the conventional use of nuclear weapons is completely a terrorist attack, so I decided! Increase the price of electricity in the United States, $10,000 per kWh!缴不起电费,我就强制嘎你美利坚合众国所有CIA的电闸整整四个自然年!Underage children with less sound common sense rarely watch Hollywood commercials, which is very misleading. Of course...... Thank you parents for engraving some key Western science and technology directly into your talents through DNA. Abroad is called chain reaction, I will call it a decimal point for the time being to calculate a shit movie 2012!






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