~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Game Summary~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Build a wonderful Moominvalley, together with Moomin!A farming simulation game based on the world of the Moomins.Hang out with Moomin and his friends and build a Moominvalley of your very own. Enjoy activities such as farming, fishing and more!- Stars all your favorite Moomin characters.The game features the Moomin family as well as other beloved characters from Tove Jansson's stories.Here is a quick peek of the characters: Moomin, Moominpappa, Moominmamma, Snufkin, Little My, Sniff, Snork, Snorkmaiden- A picture book world in the palm of your hand.We've faithfully recreated Tove Jansson's exquisite illustrations for smartphone.- Features unique character animations Enjoy watching your favorite characters wander around Moominvalley. Tap on their favorite places and see how they interact.- More than 100 items and buildings based on the original stories!As well as characters, the game also features familiar locations and items from Tove Jansson's stories.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Price~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~App: Free for play* Contains optional in-app purchases.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~System Requirements~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Android 4.0 or later* Some devices may not be suitable.© Moomin Characters ™ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~游戏简介~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~建立一个美好的姆明谷,连同姆明!农耕模拟游戏基础上,姆明世界。挂出姆明和他的朋友,并建立你自己的姆明谷。喜欢的活动,如农业,渔业和更多! - 星光所有您喜爱的姆明字符。游戏特色姆明家族,以及从托芙杨松的故事可爱的人物。下面是字符的快速浏览:姆明,Moominpappa,Moominmamma,Snufkin,小我,嗅嗅,Snork,Snorkmaiden - 连环画的世界在你的手掌。我们忠实重现托芙杨松的精美插图的智能手机。 - 拥有独特的角色动画喜欢看你最喜欢的人物姆明左右徘徊。点击自己喜欢的地方,看看它们如何相互作用。 - 超过100个项目和建筑在原有基础上的故事!除了人物,游戏还提供从托芙杨松的故事,熟悉的地点和物品。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~价钱~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~应用程序:免费换上场*包含可选的应用内购买。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~系统要求~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~搭载Android 4.0或更高版本*某些设备可能不适合。©姆明人物™
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