Harness the power of the mystical sun tortilla to build your taco empire!Build and manage tasty taco restaurants and upgrade their production and operating hours.With the guidance of Barbacoatl, an enigmatic taco connoisseur, find the ancient map that leads to a secret ritual ground. If a Tacologist were to complete this map and journey to this ancient place, then he would be able to harness the cosmic power of the Taco and bring even more tacos to the universe!Stats and Achievements! Try to get all the achievements, and keep track of every taco you have ever made! 利用神秘的太阳饼建立你塔科帝国的力量!建立和管理美味塔科餐馆和提升自己的生产和工作时间。随着Barbacoatl,一个神秘的塔科行家的指导下,找到古地图,导致一个秘密仪式地面。如果Tacologist是完成这个地图和旅程,这个古老的地方,那么他将能够驾驭塔克的宇宙力量和带来更多的玉米饼到宇宙!统计与成就!尽量让所有的成就,并跟踪你已经做过的所有塔科!
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