Craft Playtime: Hide and Seek

版本:1.0.34 大小:98M 关注:46 更新:2022-09-03


Welcome back to Chapter 2: No way outYou will be a student who is curious about everything related to haunts and monsters. Your next challenge is to come to horror playground in the town and discover what is going on hereTake a deep breath and be scared In Craft Playtime: Hide and Seek , You can play the role of seeker to catch the unfortunate victim or go hide and survive in time-limited missions. Be careful and try to avoid bumping into others and getting stuck in the corner, Mommy will squeeze you to death in the challenges.? HOW TO PLAY ?- Hold and drag to move- Get coins and items to buy power - Run fast and don't get smashed if you're the Imposter- Run fast and smash, if you're Wugy, Bear Fedy, Mommy Long Legs, Yellow Baby, etc⭐ GAME FEATURE ⭐- Easy and addictive gameplay, control with only one finger- Several roles with impressive skins and skills- Awesome graphics- Countless challenges, countless fun- Play online and offlineLet's come and escape from Craft Playtime: Hide and Seek DOWNLOAD NOW
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:1.0.34 更新时间:2023-05-09 大小:98M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Rocket Game Studio


Craft Playtime: Hide and Seek累计50人浏览,欢迎在酷酷跑下载Craft Playtime: Hide and Seek,目前已经有46用户在酷酷跑关注了Craft Playtime: Hide and Seek。

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动作 射击 984M
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