Gangs of the Magic Realm: Otome Romance Game

版本:2.1.10 大小:74.7M 关注:58 更新:2022-01-06 动漫 单人


Discover your true love in this unique Romance Otome Game from Genius Inc!■■Synopsis■■You’ve been running a cafe as a barista for a few years now. Your parents are long since deceased and your younger brother went missing a few years back. As a side gig, you also help sweep the magical ash that falls as “Gray Rain” in your world – remnants of magic from the other side, the Illusory Realm. Weak magi don’t use their magic efficiently, creating a byproduct that pollutes the Mundane World. The No-Contact Treaty prevents these two worlds from interacting and that’s fine by you. The Illusory Realm is run by magi…and everyone knows magi are a lawless bunch.One day, two attractive young men visit your cafe. After overhearing their conversation, you figure out that they might just be from the IR! Worse, you have a suspicion that they just might be able to help you find your missing brother. On an impulse, you try to follow them back to their own world…and suddenly you realize the whole situation is much bigger than just finding your brother. Can you help stop the fanatical group Chimera? Is your brother even alive? And you may just find yourself falling for one of the sexy men of the Kuhn Family, one of the most power crime families of the IR… ■■Characters■■・ZevEasily the most charismatic of the bunch and a natural-born leader, Zev runs the show. He keeps Ezekiel in line with ease and depends on Nolan to fill in the finer details of an operation. Like you, he’s searching for someone – his brother’s murderer. He’s not afraid to throw himself under the bus for the people he cares about…could that be you? While Zev can manipulate water, his preferred method is to just freeze his enemies. There’s also a secret behind that eye patch… ・EzekielEzekiel would be cute…if he’d just keep his mouth shut. He’s sullen, irritable, and clearly hates you from the get-go. Even though he’d follow Zev to the grave, he still drives Nolan insane with his abrasive attitude and casual approach to his duties. His past is complicated and you get the feeling that certain topics are a sore subject. Can you go toe-to-toe with his snark? Ezekiel can manipulate fire…and is easily one of the most powerful pyromagi. ・NolanKind, thoughtful, and meticulous are words Zev might use to describe Nolan. Ezekiel might say he’s overly critical or micromanaging. Regardless of what his family members think, he’s nothing but friendly and gracious to you. Despite his pleasant nature, he hates Chimera with a shocking vehemence for reasons unknown to you and he seems to have a complex of sorts…will you help him unravel it? He can throw lightning and temporarily nullify the magic of others.在Genius Inc.的这款独特的浪漫乙女游戏中发现您的真爱!■■简介■■您经营咖啡店已经有几年了。您的父母早已去世,而您的弟弟几年前就失踪了。作为附带演出,您还可以帮助扫除掉落在您世界中的“灰雨”中的魔力灰烬–另一面的幻境,即幻境。弱小的法师无法有效地利用他们的魔法,产生的副产品污染了世俗世界。 《不接触条约》阻止了这两个世界的互动,您可以这样做。幻境是由贤士管理的……每个人都知道贤士是一群无法无天的人。一天,两个迷人的年轻人去您的咖啡厅。听了他们的谈话后,您发现他们可能只是来自IR的人!更糟糕的是,您怀疑他们也许能够帮助您找到失踪的兄弟。一时冲动,您试图跟随他们回到自己的世界……突然间,您意识到整个局面比找到自己的兄弟要大得多。你能帮助阻止狂热派奇美拉吗?你哥哥还活着吗?您可能会发现自己迷上了库恩(Kuhn)家族中的一个性感男人,该家族是IR(IR)最有能力的犯罪家族之一……■■字符■■・泽夫Zev很容易成为一群人中最有魅力的人,并且是天生的领导者。他使以西结轻松自如,并依靠诺兰(Nolan)填写手术的详细信息。像您一样,他正在寻找某人-他哥哥的凶手。他不怕为关心的人而忙碌起来……那可能是您吗?虽然Zev可以操纵水,但他的首选方法是冻结敌人。眼罩的背后还有一个秘密……・以西结以西结会很可爱……只要他闭上嘴。他闷闷不乐,易怒,显然一开始就讨厌您。即使他跟随采夫(Zev)进入坟墓,他仍然以他的磨砺态度和随心所欲的态度驱使诺兰发疯。他的过去很复杂,您会感到某些主题是一个痛苦的话题。你能和他的蛇相伴吗?以西结可以操纵火……并且很容易成为最强大的火药之一。・诺兰Zev可能用亲切,周到和细致的语言来描述Nolan。以西结(Ezekiel)可能会说他过于挑剔或微观管理。不管他的家人怎么想,他对你都很友好和友善。尽管他性格开朗,但由于您不为人知的原因,他以令人震惊的仇恨恨Chimera,他似乎有种复杂的感觉……您能帮他解决一下吗?他可以投掷闪电并暂时使他人的魔法无效。
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:2.1.10 更新时间:2022-01-04 大小:74.7M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Genius Inc
动漫 单人 英文 5.0及更高


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