SoulWorker Anime Legends

版本:1.00.0027大小:86M关注:257 更新:2022-01-06 多人单人
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?Enjoy one of the best anime style multiplayer action RPG’s of 2020?Explore the world of SoulWorker on the latest release SoulWorker Anime Legends.. Through single player or collaborative gameplay, unearth challenging missions or team up to do PvP or PvE missions.SoulWorker Anime Legends is inspired by its successor SoulWorker on PC, embodying 6 heroes from PC version, a legendary gameplay experience with easy to use controls with an stunning environment. With SoulWorker Anime Legends, you can finally experience what an anime style online multiplayer gameplay has to offer within the palm of your hands!It is your turn to write your own legends with unlikely heroes using soul as their weapon. Throughout this captivating story, lead your champion to success by using a sword, a scythe, or even a guitar! With Stella’s swift howling guitar lessons even, your enemies will tremble against the power of your soul!?Key features:• ‘Playable anime’ graphics thanks to impressive cel-shadings• Unique battle style with personalized combos• Intensive PvP & PvE content • Easy to use on-screen controls• Post-apocalyptic setting with a captivating story?Characters:Includes 6 Legendary characters from original Soulworker PC version:• Haru Estia, heads into battle wielding her mighty Soulum sword.• Lily Bloommerchen’s expression of her madness takes the form of a destructive Mist Scythe.• Stella Unibell defends herself from all attacks with the Howling Guitar.• Erwin Arclight blasts back enemies making use of his Gun Jazz.• Jin fights with both fists for justice – yet the shadows of his past constantly weigh on his shoulders.• Iris Yuma unleashes her innate wrath and the rage at the tragic fate of her family through her gigantic Hammer Stol.?Pleasure for both eyes and ears alike:• Enjoy unique atmosphere set by both anime style graphics and unique music alike• Customize your character with beautiful costumes• Engage in a realistic anime world and write your own legend Follow us on social media for latest news & updates!b 享受2020年最佳动漫风格多人动作角色扮演游戏之一?在最新版本的SoulWorker动漫传奇中探索SoulWorker的世界。通过单人游戏或协作游戏,发掘具有挑战性的任务或组队完成PvP或PvE任务。《 SoulWorker动漫传奇》的灵感来自其继任者PC上的《 SoulWorker》,其中包含6位PC版英雄,这是一种传奇般的游戏体验,并在令人惊叹的环境中易于使用的控件。有了SoulWorker动漫传奇,您终于可以在手掌中体验动漫风格的在线多人游戏所提供的功能!轮到您来写自己的传奇故事,让不大可能的英雄们使用灵魂作为他们的武器。在这个引人入胜的故事中,使用剑,大镰刀甚至是吉他来带领您的冠军取得成功!甚至在斯特拉(Stella)迅速how叫的吉他课中,您的敌人都会为您灵魂的力量而颤抖!?主要功能:•由于具有令人印象深刻的cel阴影效果,“可播放的动漫”图形•独特的战斗风格和个性化连击•密集的PvP和PvE内容•易于使用的屏幕控件•世界末日的背景,迷人的故事?字符:包括来自Soulworker PC原始版本的6个传奇人物:•哈鲁·埃斯蒂亚(Haru Estia),挥舞着强大的Soulum剑进入战斗。•莉莉·布洛默晨(Lily Bloommerchen)疯狂的表情,表现为破坏性的薄雾镰刀。•Stella Unibell用How叫吉他为自己防御所有攻击。•Erwin Arclight利用他的Gun Jazz炸回敌人。•Jin用拳头为正义而战-但他过去的阴影不断地压在他的肩膀上。•艾里斯·尤玛(Iris Yuma)通过巨大的哈默·斯托尔(Hammer Stol)释放了她与生俱来的愤怒和对家人悲惨命运的愤怒。b 让双耳和双耳都感到愉悦:•享受动漫风格的图形和独特的音乐所营造的独特氛围•用漂亮的服装自定义角色•参与逼真的动漫世界并写下自己的传奇在社交媒体上关注我们以获取最新新闻和更新!
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:1.00.0027 更新时间:2021-04-06 大小:86M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Gameforge 4D GmbH
多人 单人 英文 5.0及更高


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