Rani Padmavati 2 : Royal Queen Wedding

版本:2.1大小:39.5M关注:72 更新:2022-01-06 单人无需网络写实风
Rani Padmavati 2 : Royal Queen Wedding截图
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With the grand success of Rani Padmavati : Royal Queen Makeover, We are happy to announce our new version i.e. Rani Padmaavat : Royal Wedding Game.Note: This game has been made solely for an entertainment purpose. The intent of this game is not to harm any of the society’s feeling or respect.New Version brings some new features.- Charming Makeup for Queen Padmavati- Marvellous Dresses along with Royal tradition- Precious ornaments for Indian Queen- Stunning Dress up for King Ratan ji.- Beautiful Doli Decoration for the indian bride Rani Padmaavat- Story of Indian Queen PadmavatiHistory of Queen Rani Padmini:The history tale of India back in 13th-14th Century!Singhal Kingdom(Sri Lanka), a Hindu Rajput Family, Rani Champavati & Raja Gandharv Sen gave birth to a very beautiful girl named Padmini later called as Rani Padmavati / Padmaavat. She was an exceptionally beautiful princess of the Singhal kingdom.Raja Gandharv was very possessive for her daughter, he resented the parrot's closeness to his daughter, and ordered the bird to be killed. The parrot flew away to save its life, but was trapped by a bird catcher, who later sold it to a Brahmin.The Brahmin bought it to Chittor, where the local king Ratan Sen purchased it, impressed by its ability to talk. The parrot greatly praised Padmavati's beauty in front of Ratan Sen, who became determined to marry Padmaavat. Guided by the parrot and accompanied by his 16,000 followers, Ratan Sen reached Singhal after crossing the seven seas. There, he commenced austerities in a temple to seek Padmavati. Meanwhile, Padmavati came to the temple, informed by the parrot, but quickly returned to her palace without meeting Ratan Sen.Meanwhile, Ratan Sen realized that he had missed a chance to meet Padmavati, After an adventurous quest, he won her hand in marriage and brought her to Chittor. Later on she was declared as the Rani of Mewar.Alauddin Khalji, the Sultan of Delhi also heard about her beauty, and laid siege to Chittor to obtain her. Many events occurred during the period of the Siege, till the Fort was finally taken. Meanwhile, Ratan Sen was killed in a duel with Devpal, the king of Kumbhalner who was also enamoured with Padmavati's beauty. Before Alauddin Khalji could capture Chittor, Padmavati and her companions committed Jauhar (self-immolation) to protect their honour. After her sacrifice, the Rajput men died fighting on the battlefield.By the 20th century, some elite Rajput women of Rajasthan characterised Padmini as a history who exemplifies Rajput womanhood. Although there is no historical evidence that Padmini existed, she has become a symbol of valour and sacrifice in Rajput history. Hindu activists have characterised her as a chaste Hindu woman, and her suicide as a heroic act of resistance against the invader Khalji.Over the years, she came to be seen as a historical figure, and appeared in several novels, plays, television serials and movies.Let us together add to her beauty, dressing her to the attire of a perfect Rajputani Queen!随着拉尼Padmavati盛大的成功:皇家御用化妆,我们很高兴地宣布我们的新版本即拉尼Padmaavat:皇家婚礼游戏。注意:这个游戏已经被完全针对娱乐的目的。这个游戏的目的是不伤害任何社会的感受或尊重。新版本带来了一些新的特点。- 舒适化妆皇后Padmavati- 皇家传统,沿着奇妙连衣裙- 印度女王珍贵的装饰品- 令人惊叹的装扮王纪拉坦。- 美多丽装饰的印度新娘拉尼Padmaavat- 印度皇后Padmavati的故事女王拉尼PADMINI的历史:印度的历史故事早在13日,14世纪!阿密特王国(斯里兰卡),印度教徒拉杰普特家庭,拉尼Champavati和拉贾Gandharv森生下了一个名为PADMINI一个非常漂亮的女孩后来被称为拉尼Padmavati / Padmaavat。她是辛格王国的一个非常美丽的公主。拉贾Gandharv是她的女儿占有欲很强,他讨厌鹦鹉的亲近他的女儿,并下令杀死了小鸟。鹦鹉飞走了挽救它的生命,但被困捕鸟,谁后来把它卖给了一个婆罗门。婆罗门它买来Chittor,当地王拉坦森购买了它,由它说话的能力印象深刻。鹦鹉大大称赞Padmavati的美女在拉坦森,谁就下定决心娶Padmaavat的前面。由鹦鹉导向,伴随着他的追随者16000,拉坦森渡七个海后达成辛格。在那里,他在寺庙开始苦行寻求Padmavati。同时,Padmavati来到寺庙,由鹦鹉通知,但很快就恢复了她的宫殿没有遇到拉坦参议员同时,拉坦森意识到,他已经错过了机会,以满足Padmavati,冒险任务后,他赢得了她的手在婚姻给她带来Chittor。后来,她被宣布为MEWAR的拉尼。阿劳丁Khalji,德里的苏丹也听说了她的美丽,并围攻Chittor获得了她。许多事件在围困期间发生,直到堡垒终于被。同时,拉坦森与Devpal,Kumbhalner王谁也沉迷于Padmavati的美丽决斗中丧生。之前阿劳丁Khalji可以捕捉Chittor,Padmavati和她的同伴犯Jauhar(自焚),以保护自己的荣誉。她的牺牲后,拉吉普特人死在战场上战斗。到了20世纪,拉贾斯坦邦的一些精英拉吉普特女性特点PADMINI因为谁体现拉杰普特女大十八变的历史。虽然没有历史证据表明存在PADMINI,她已经成为勇气和牺牲的拉其普特史上的标志。印度教激进分子有特点了她作为一个贞洁的女人印度教,和她的自杀作为对侵略者Khalji抵抗的英勇行为。多年来,她来到被看作是一个历史人物,并出现在几部小说,戏剧,电视连续剧和电影。让我们一起加入到她的美丽,她的穿衣一个完美的Rajputani女王的装束!
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:2.1 更新时间:2021-04-01 大小:39.5M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Sweet Games LLC
单人 无需网络 写实风 英文 4.1及更高


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战争雷霆手游 就像在真实战斗中发生的那样
破门而入:行动小队 对不起 我是警察!
朝歌 不一样的神仙打架SLG

