Do you want to experience what Simo Häyhä, Hathcock, Vasily Zaytsev, Hetzenauer, and other great snipers needed to overcome? You're in the right place to play the most realistic long range sniping game.Most 3D Sniper Games are too simple, you just shoot straight to the target... reality is not like that. In this realistic simulation you can customize the cartridges, the bullets, the firearms, and select your favourite range. All relevant information about weapons and ammunitions are procedurally generated, so it's also possible to change almost any property.This game includes a good enough approximation of internal ballistics, it has a great external ballistics simulation, and it's about to feature terminal ballistics (destruction, ricochets, barrier penetration, and softbody penetration). The most important physics factors are modeled into this realistic sniper range game: gravity, drag (G7 Ballistic Coefficient), spindrift, and wind. It features realistic Scopes configurations: Elevation, Zoom with appropriately scaled reticles, and Windage. There's also an in-game and easy-to-use ballistic calculator to make it possible to make one-shot/one-hits under wild weather conditions.This game was contrasted with JBM Ballistics giving great results.您想体验SimoHäyhä,Hathcock,Vasily Zaytsev,Hetzenauer和其他伟大的狙击手需要克服的东西吗?您来对地方了,玩最真实的远程狙击游戏。大多数3D狙击游戏都太简单了,您只是直接向目标射击...事实并非如此。在这种逼真的模拟中,您可以自定义子弹,子弹,枪支,并选择自己喜欢的范围。有关武器和弹药的所有相关信息都是按程序生成的,因此几乎可以更改任何属性。该游戏包括内部弹道的足够好的近似值,它具有出色的外部弹道模拟,并且将具有终端弹道功能(破坏,弹跳,障碍物穿透和软体穿透)。在这个逼真的狙击范围游戏中,最重要的物理因素被建模:重力,阻力(G7弹道系数),旋转漂移和风。它具有逼真的示波器配置:高程,带有适当比例的标线的缩放和风阻。还有一个游戏内和易于使用的弹道计算器,可以在野外天气条件下进行单发一击。这款游戏与JBM Ballistics取得了不错的成绩。
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