--- CAN YOU SAVE THE FGTEEV FAMILY AND SURVIVE THE HOUSE OF DR. JAX? ---Explore a house full of weird technology and slimy surprises as you attempt to save the FGTeeV family. Take control of the powerful Multitool to help on your adventure around the mysterious house of Dr. Jax. The Multitool is your ultimate weapon when it comes to solving the many puzzles that exist in house.Keep your eyes open because something is always lurking around! What is that slimy creature? Where did it come from? Where is Dr. Jax? Step into the world of Goozy and prepare for an out of this world adventure! --- HIGHLIGHTS ---∙ Goozy features the FGTeeV Family as they come to Smart Phones and Tablets like never before!∙ Jump out of your seat while playing this scary game of hide and seek.∙ Hide to survive! The longer you can stay alive, the better chance you have at discovering all the secrets the house has to offer!∙ Use the Multitool and your memory to solve puzzles.---您能拯救FGTEEV一家人并为DR之家提供服务吗? JAX? ---尝试拯救FGTeeV家庭时,探索一栋充满怪异技术和黏糊糊惊喜的房子。控制强大的多功能工具,协助您探索Jax博士神秘房子的冒险之旅。在解决内部存在的许多难题时,多功能工具是您的终极武器。睁开眼睛,因为总有东西潜伏!那黏糊糊的生物是什么?它从哪里来的?杰克斯博士在哪里?踏入Goozy的世界,为这次世界冒险做准备!- - 强调 - -∙Goozy拥有FGTeeV系列,因为它们前所未有地出现在智能手机和平板电脑上!∙在玩这个可怕的捉迷藏游戏时,跳出座位。∙躲起来生存!您可以存活的时间越长,发现房子所提供的所有秘密的机会就越大!∙使用多功能工具和您的记忆力解决难题。
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