My Charming Butler: Anime Boyfriend Romance

版本:2.1.10 大小:76M 关注:199 更新:2022-01-06 动漫 单人 冒险


■Synopsis■Your uneventful city life is taking its toll—until a chance encounter leaves you as the proprietress of Calico Manor. Within this historic building are centuries of untold secrets waiting to be discovered, along with a trio of butlers sworn to help you… Although it doesn't take long to realize the true mystery lies within your heart...■Characters■ ◆Meet Reiss — The Himalayan!Part Himalayan, part human. Reiss is hot-headed and a true alpha-male. Despite his brazen foolhardiness and mischievous nature, he cares deeply for his two brothers. Can you break through his thorny exterior, revealing the soft heart within?◆Meet Keith — The Blue Russian!A Blue Russian and human mix, Keith identifies strongly with his human side, but struggles with his feline blood. Outwardly calm, his inner turmoil reveals itself in unexpected ways. Can you help him come to love himself?◆Meet Sieg — The Scottish Fold!Part Scottish-Fold and human, Sieg radiates an aura of mystery. His thoughts are an enigma, but behind those steely eyes lies a prodigious mind going to waste. More interested in lazing around than helping his brothers, are you the person to help reignite his passion?■简介■您平淡无奇的城市生活正在遭受重创-直到偶然的相遇使您成为Calico Manor的老板。在这座历史悠久的建筑中,有数百年等待发现的秘密,还有三位宣誓就职的管家帮您……尽管很快就能意识到真正的奥秘就在您的内心...■字符■◆遇见赖斯-喜马拉雅山!部分是喜马拉雅山,部分是人类。瑞斯(Reiss)脾气暴躁,是个真正的阿尔法男性。尽管他粗鲁的傻瓜和顽皮的性格,但他仍然非常关心他的两个兄弟。您能突破他那棘手的外表,露出内心柔软的心吗?◆遇见基思-蓝色俄罗斯人!基思是蓝色的俄罗斯人与人的混合体,强烈地认同他的人性,但是却用猫血挣扎。外表平静,他的内心动荡以意想不到的方式展现出来。你能帮他爱自己吗?◆遇见齐格-苏格兰折!齐格(Sieg)是苏格兰人和人类的一部分,散发着神秘的气氛。他的思想是一个谜,但是在那些钢铁般的眼睛后面却隐藏着一个挥霍无度的巨大思想。您比帮助他的兄弟更喜欢闲逛,您是否是帮助重新激发他热情的人?
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:2.1.10 更新时间:2021-06-23 大小:76M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Genius Inc
动漫 单人 冒险 英文 5.0及更高


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