NEWS:===================Season 4: The MergeMajor Release with over 2 years worth of updates! Now all Chaos players are in the same universe!BONUS DISCOUNTS ALL SUMMER!===================INTRO:After escaping from a zombie and bully infested school you find yourself roaming an unknown city. It seems like a safe place. Wait... Who are those people? Why do they carry bats, sword, and guns? Are they friend or are they foe?This is a very unique MMORPG experience that you will not get anywhere else. We are also actively updating and improving the game. If you are looking for a totally new multiplayer experience that allows you to really immerse yourself into, then download this game now! Please Enjoy yourself!新闻:===================第4季:合并具有2年以上更新的主要版本!现在所有混沌玩家都在同一个宇宙中!奖金折扣所有夏天!===================介绍:从僵尸和恶霸出没的学校逃跑后,您会发现自己正在漫游一个未知的城市。看来是个安全的地方。等等...那些人是谁?他们为什么携带蝙蝠,剑和枪?他们是朋友还是敌人?这是非常独特的MMORPG体验,您将无法获得其他任何体验。我们还积极更新和改进游戏。如果您正在寻找全新的多人游戏体验,让您真正沉浸于此,请立即下载此游戏!请尽情享受!
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