Sins of the Everlasting Twilight: Otome Romance

版本:2.1.10 大小:74.2M 关注:154 更新:2022-01-06 动漫 单人


■Synopsis■You live a peaceful life in a beautiful town lit by a neverending sunset. But you can’t help but question the world you live in. “There are too many things that don’t make sense in this world.”One day, for some reason, you find yourself inside the forbidden clocktower that stands in the middle of the town. Inside, you meet an enigmatic young man who claims to be an “observer.” He claims that this world has been twisted by evil and entrusts you with a key that will supposedly help you return it to its true state. Guided by the mysterious key, you unwillingly release three dashing Demons. Are they truly the sinful beings that everyone says they are? What secrets do their titles hold? Will the key be the secret to not only letting them free, but also unlocking their hearts?■Characters■[Zarek]“Listen carefully dearest human, and make no mistake. You’re mine and mine only until you pay back your debt to me.” Audacious and arrogant, Zarek very fittingly holds the title of the Sinner of Pride. His alpha male tendencies get on your nerves at first, but you soon begin to realize that he’s not just a royal pain… Will this handsome demon allow you to stay by his side? [Theo]Theo is a taciturn individual and seems hard to approach. You think he’s cold at first, but he quickly overturns that image. When you’re down and in trouble, he’ll be by your side to support you. His kindness is like the faint moonlight that shines your path in the darkest of nights. “I will never forgive you… Never! I will end you!”How is it that Theo could be the Sinner of Wrath…?[Noel]When things are tough, Noel’s friendly smile helps calm your nerves. If only he weren’t so mischievous other times… This mercurial demon will be playing tricks on you one moment and then be kind to you the next. However, he holds the title of the Sinner of Doubt...“It's cute how easily you're affected by my teasing. However, If you don't doubt others, and stay on guard, you'll end up losing yourself.”Could “doubt” be the armor he wears to protect his heart? Only you will be able to discover the truth...■简介■您在一个美丽的小镇上过着宁静的生活,这个小镇被无尽的日落照亮。但是您不禁会质疑自己所生活的世界。“在这个世界上有太多没有意义的事物。”有一天,由于某种原因,您会发现自己身处镇中心禁止的钟楼内。在内部,您遇到一个神秘的年轻人,他自称是“观察者”。他声称这个世界已经被邪恶所扭曲,并委托您一把钥匙,据称它将帮助您将其恢复到真实状态。在神秘的钥匙的引导下,您不情愿地释放了三个破灭的恶魔。他们真的是每个人都说过的有罪的生命吗?他们的头衔拥有什么秘密?钥匙会成为不仅让他们自由而且释放他们心灵的秘诀吗?■字符■[扎里克]“认真聆听最亲爱的人,不要犯错。您是我的,只有在您还清我的债务之前,我才是我的。”扎里克(Zarek)大胆而傲慢,非常适合拥有“罪恶罪人”的头衔。起初他的阿尔法男性倾向让您感到不安,但您很快就开始意识到他不仅仅是皇室的痛苦……这个英俊的恶魔会允许您陪在他身边吗?[西奥]西奥是一个沉默寡言的人,似乎很难接近。您认为他起初很冷,但是他很快就颠覆了那个形象。当您陷入困境时,他会在您身边为您提供支持。他的友善就像微弱的月光,在最黑暗的夜晚照亮您的道路。“我永远不会原谅你……永远不会!我会结束你的!”Theo可能成为愤怒的罪人……?[诺埃尔]遇到困难时,诺埃尔的友善微笑可以平息您的紧张情绪。如果其他时候他还不那么调皮……这个妖魔会在你身上玩弄一会儿,然后在下一个对你友善。但是,他拥有“怀疑罪人”的头衔...“很高兴您受我的嘲笑影响。但是,如果您不怀疑别人并保持警惕,那您最终会迷失自己。”“怀疑”可能是他为保护自己的心脏而穿着的盔甲?只有你才能发现真相...
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:2.1.10 更新时间:2022-01-04 大小:74.2M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Genius Inc
动漫 单人 英文 5.0及更高
游单纸片人,香排名 第20名


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