Now the flashlights are ready, DJs are in place, and the audiences are waiting. C’mon my idol, let’s rock and roll!Facebook Fanpage:https://www.facebook.com/SweetDanceGlobal/【Shoot me with your love】A full and sweet social experience fulfills all your fantasies of love. Various ways of interaction deepen your love with your couple day by day. Ride on vehicles together to show off your love like nobody’s watching. The super cute lovers’ diaries make your every day full of surprise!“I want to be your favorite hello and hardest goodbye”【The music rhythm is my heartbeat for you】Hit the dance floor with a massive list of authorized hits and varied game modes packed with the latest dance moves! The original Trail Mode enables you to show off your love with every beat and trail!“Every trail and line is a clue that I want to make you mine. “【With an elf you’re not alone】The immersive experience of interaction with an elf makes it more than just a “pet”. Feel the fun by uniting with your elf and mounting on it and play together on the dance floor. You and your elf are going to have a great and fantastic time in the game.“Please take care of me for the rest of my life.” 【You’re the super idol 】The brand new system Idol Trainee gives you an even more exciting gaming experience. Form an idol group with other trainees, practice, take jobs, and fight for the Idol Contest to be the brightest star!“I’ll be the center of the world to return your cheers along my road.”Now the flashlights are ready, DJs are in place, and the audiences are waiting. C’mon my idol, let’s rock and roll!Facebook Fanpage:https://www.facebook.com/SweetDanceGlobal/现在手电筒已经准备好了,DJ就位了,听众正在等待。拜托,我的偶像,摇滚吧!脸书粉丝专页:https://www.facebook.com/SweetDanceGlobal/【用你的爱向我射击】充实而甜美的社交体验可以满足您所有的爱情幻想。各种互动方式加深了您对夫妻的爱。一起骑车来炫耀自己的爱,就像没人注视一样。超级可爱的恋人日记让您的每一天充满惊喜!“我想成为您最喜欢的问候和最难的再见”【音乐节奏是我的心跳】进入舞池,并提供大量授权曲目和丰富的最新舞蹈动作,丰富的游戏模式!原始的“足迹模式”使您可以在每一个节拍和足迹中展示自己的爱!“每条路线都是我想让你成为我的线索。 “【带着精灵,你并不孤单】与小精灵互动的身临其境的体验使它不仅仅是“宠物”。与小精灵团结并固定在小精灵上,然后在舞池上一起玩耍,感受乐趣。您和您的小精灵将在游戏中度过一段美好而美好的时光。“请终生照顾我。”【你是超级偶像】全新的系统Idol Trainee为您提供了更加激动人心的游戏体验。与其他受训者组成一个偶像团体,练习,工作,并争取偶像竞赛成为最耀眼的明星!“我将成为世界的中心,为您的道路加油助威。”现在手电筒已经准备好了,DJ就位了,听众正在等待。拜托,我的偶像,摇滚吧!脸书粉丝专页:https://www.facebook.com/SweetDanceGlobal/
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