Years ago, a mysterious ship smuggled precious cargo into an exotic land. A standalone entry in the FRAMED series.FRAMED 2 is a noir puzzle game where you re-arrange panels of an animated comic book to change the outcome of the story.Taking place before the events of the original game, FRAMED 2 is the follow up to Hideo Kojima's 2014 Game Of The Year, FRAMED.FRAMED 2 is designed optimized for phones and tablets!LoveShack Entertainment is an independent game developer based in Australia. Follow us @LoveShackers for news of updates & new games.几年前,一个神秘的船走私贵重货物到异国。在框制系列一个独立的项目。FRAMED 2一辄益智游戏,你重新安排一个动画漫画书的面板来改变故事的结局。原游戏的事件之前发生,框架2是跟进希德奥·科季马2014年游戏年,陷害。FRAMED 2是一款专为手机和平板电脑进行优化!LoveShack娱乐是一家总部位于澳大利亚的独立游戏开发商。www.loveshackentertainment.com跟随我们@LoveShackers更新和新游戏的消息。
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