Grim Quest is a classic turn-based RPG / Dungeon Crawler with gothic aesthetics and a retro vibe. It is set in a dark fantasy world with elements of lovecraftian horror and freudian psychology, and puts a lot of emphasis on atmosphere and immersion with dark visuals, music and lots of written text.*** Only in ENGLISH, no translations yet ****** FEATURES ***- immerse in a dark fantasy world with its own history and lore- defeat enemies and fight boss battles in a classic turn-based combat system- manage you character's sanity or suffer unexpected consequences- customize you character with 20 unique spells and 20 active & passive skills- select one of 16 character backgrounds that each affect gameplay in a different way- experience the game world through a variety of interactive, text-based events- acquire weapons, acessories, consumable items and crafting ingredients- complete quests and collect bounties- manage defences of a besieged city, endure raids and other calamities- relax or add suspense with 3 difficulty levels, optional permadeath and other adjustable settingsGrim Quest是一款经典的回合制RPG /地牢爬行者,具有哥特式美学和复古氛围。它坐落在一个黑暗的幻想世界中,充满了爱的恐怖和弗洛里修式的心理元素,并且非常强调气氛和沉浸于黑暗的视觉效果,音乐和大量书面文字中。***仅英语,尚无翻译****** 特征 ***-拥有自己的历史和传奇,沉浸在黑暗的幻想世界中-在经典的回合制战斗系统中击败敌人并与首领战斗-管理角色的理智或遭受意想不到的后果-通过20种独特的咒语以及20种主动和被动技能自定义您的角色-从16个角色背景中选择一个,以不同的方式影响游戏玩法-通过各种基于文本的交互式事件来体验游戏世界-获取武器,必需品,消耗品和手工艺品-完成任务并收集赏金-管理对被围困城市的防御,承受突袭和其他灾难-通过3个难度级别,可选的permadeath和其他可调设置放松或增加悬念
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