HopBound is a story-driven psychological horror game that revolves around the surreal mind of Mayumi, a recluse who must journey through an unsettling retro game to come to terms with the ghosts of her past. Through 16-bit horror platformer stages and endless runner levels with gorgeous pixel art, she discovers that her sanity will be tested by something lurking behind the screen.=====NOSTALGIC VISUALSMost of the game's stunning visuals use a palette of only four colors to evoke the retro charm of 90s handheld games.SPINE-CHILLING AUDIOListen to unique ambient music that provide a sense of dream-like dread as you explore the game's sinister levels.A STANDALONE CONTINUATIONTaking place two years after the events of DERE EVIL EXE, HopBound serves as a continuation of that story. However, users do not need to play DERE EVIL EXE to immerse themselves in HopBound's narrative experience.HEART-POUNDING MONSTERSEnemies from previous games are brought back to life and have evolved into new incomprehensible forms.MULTIPLE GAME MODESEngage in frenzied platforming in story-rich levels and test your skills in infinite runner levels tailored for people who like competing for high scores on the leaderboard.MEANINGFUL MACHINATIONSGoing against sequel conventions, HopBound doesn't go bigger and badder for the scale of its story. Instead, the game focuses inward, resulting in a haunting yet meaningful tale.HopBound是一个故事驱动的心理恐怖游戏,围绕着Mayumi的超现实思维,这位隐居者必须经历令人不安的复古游戏才能适应她过去的幽灵。通过16位恐怖平台游戏阶段和无尽的赛跑者关卡,以及华丽的像素艺术,她发现隐藏在屏幕后面的东西将测试她的理智。=====梦幻般的视觉游戏的绝大部分视觉效果仅使用四种颜色的调色板来唤起90年代手持游戏的复古魅力。脊椎冷音聆听独特的环境音乐,在探索游戏的险恶关卡时会产生如梦境般的恐惧感。单机连续HopBound发生在DERE EVIL EXE事件发生两年后,是该故事的延续。但是,用户无需播放DERE EVIL EXE就可以沉浸在HopBound的叙述体验中。令人心碎的怪物以前游戏中的敌人复活了,并演变成新的难以理解的形式。多种游戏模式以丰富的故事水平参与疯狂的平台竞赛,并在无限的赛跑者水平中测试您的技能,这些水平是为喜欢在排行榜上争夺高分的人量身定制的。有意义的机器与续集惯例相反,HopBound的故事规模并没有变得越来越糟。取而代之的是,游戏向内聚焦,产生了一个令人困扰但有意义的故事。