Making the Perfect Wedding : Romance Otome Game

版本:2.0.6 大小:39.7M 关注:31 更新:2022-01-06 模拟恋爱 动漫 单人 模拟人生


✦Synopsis✦You are a strong, independent woman who plans weddings for the rich and famous.You love your job, except for the fact that male clients are constantly flirting with you. Uncomfortable encounters with men have left you skeptical about the idea of romance. One day, you receive a request from your ailing sister: “I want to see your wedding.” You have no intention of falling in love, but you also want to make your sister happy…As an expert on wedding planning, faking your own wedding shouldn’t be a difficult task… except that you don’t have a partner! Will you rely on the men around you to create a successful wedding?✦Characters✦♠ MichaelYour boss, Michael, has a strong sense of responsibility and it is clear he prioritizes his work over his personal life. He seems disinterested and always keeps a professional attitude, but there could be more to him than meets the eye…♠ NickNick is your coworker who specializes in photography. He is street-smart and produces good results at work. Because he is kind and a smooth talker, you fear that he may be a bit of a playboy— but unlike your clients, he does not try to make a pass at you. That’s a good thing… right?♠ JamieThe young owner of a famous tuxedo shop, you see Jamie around your workplace frequently. He is a skilled businessman, but you hear constant rumors about his affairs with multiple women. You and Jamie seem to be very different types of people, but you could have more in common than you think…✦Synopsis✦您是一个坚强,独立的女性,她为有钱人和有名望的人筹办婚礼。您热爱自己的工作,但男性客户不断与您调情。与男人的难受相遇使您对浪漫的观念持怀疑态度。有一天,您收到一个生病的妹妹的要求:“我想看一下您的婚礼。”您无意坠入爱河,但您也想让您的妹妹幸福…… 作为婚礼策划专家,假扮自己的婚礼应该不是一件容易的事……除了您没有伴侣之外!您会依靠周围的人来创建成功的婚礼吗?✦Characters✦♠迈克尔您的老板Michael具有强烈的责任感,很显然他将工作放在个人生活之上。他似乎不感兴趣,并且始终保持专业态度,但是对他来说,除了眼神之外,还有更多……♠尼克尼克是您的摄影专业同事。他是个街头聪明人,在工作中取得了不错的成绩。因为他善良而健谈,所以您担心他可能是个花花公子,但与您的客户不同,他不会试图对您发脾气。很好,对吗?♠杰米作为一家著名的燕尾服商店的年轻老板,您经常会在工作场所周围看到杰米(Jamie)。他是一个熟练的商人,但是您经常听到关于他与多位女士的关系的传闻。您和杰米似乎是非常不同的人,但是您可能有更多的共同点……
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:2.0.6 更新时间:2020-05-25 大小:39.7M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Genius Inc
模拟恋爱 动漫 单人 模拟人生 英文 5.0及更高


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