Sophie's Curse: Horror Game

版本:10.0 大小:87.8M 关注:48 更新:2020-05-20


Sophie's Curse is an indie horror game, based on the original game from PC but slightly different.The game is fun and scary, for a better experience make sure to play it in the dark with full volume.Game:You are a nurse and you got a small job, which is to take care of an old man for just one night, the house where you are working was recently purchased, in fact it’s their first day in there. They purchased the house for a really good price, but there was a catch… the house doesn’t have electricity, the wires are very old and need to be replaced.The individual that bought the house has been working on some kind of hand crank generators for many months and now it’s a great opportunity to test them out, he set 4 devices around the house, that’s all you have to rely for lighting during the night.These devices had been pretty stable during the development, but there is something in the house that’s making them unstable. No matter what, don’t let them run out of power, there is something hiding in the darkness!苏菲的诅咒是一个独立的恐怖游戏的基础上,从PC,但略有不同的原创游戏。本场比赛是有趣和可怕的,美好的体验一定要在黑暗中与最大音量播放。游戏:你是一个护士和你有一个小的工作,这是为了照顾老人的只是一个晚上,你在哪里工作,最近购买了房子,其实这是他们第一天在那里。他们购买了房子的一个很好的价格,但有一个抓......家里没有电,电线是很旧,需要更换。那买房子的各个一直致力于某种手摇发电机多月的,现在是一个很好的机会来测试他们,他成立4个设备周围的房子,那就是你必须在夜间依靠照明。在开发过程中,这些设备已经相当稳定,但也有一些是在多数民众赞成使他们不稳定的房子。不管是什么,不要让他们用尽力量,也有一些是隐藏在黑暗中!
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:10.0 更新时间:2020-05-20 大小:87.8M
运营状态:运营 开发商:TrerPlay
英文 4.0.3及更高


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