Franchise Football 2020

版本:7.10.5 大小:108.7M 关注:312 更新:2022-01-06 单人


It's Football Season and the most popular mobile football manager is completely updated! Build your dynasty and prove that you’re the ultimate GM -- anytime, anywhere! Play Every Day Get your team on the field every single day. Play 16-game seasons, exhibitions, pro games, and showdowns! Earn rewards and draft packs through daily game play and use those resources to continue to build your franchise. Build a Champion Manage your football team and build them into a championship contender. Put together an all-pro roster, customize your playbooks, play seasons and bring home the Franchise Bowl trophy! Build the Ultimate Roster Unwrap packs and fill your roster with the biggest names in pro football history. Collect Special Edition, Limited Edition and Legend versions of your favorite players to unlock their Ultimate Players – the highest rated football players in mobile gaming! Step onto the gridiron and play the mobile football game that always finds the end zone! 这是足球季,最受欢迎的移动足球经理完全更新!建立你的王朝,并随时随地证明你是终极GM! 每天玩 让您的团队每天都在现场。玩16场比赛,展览,职业比赛和摊牌!通过每日游戏获得奖励和草稿包,并使用这些资源继续建立您的特许经营权。 建立一个冠军 管理您的足球队并将其打造成总冠军争夺者。整理一个全职业名单,定制你的剧本,玩季节,并带回家特许碗奖杯! 建立终极名册 打开包装,并在职业足球历史上的大腕中填满你的名单。收集您最喜欢的玩家的特别版,限量版和传奇版,以解锁他们的终极玩家 - 手机游戏中评价最高的足球运动员! 踏上烤架,玩总是找到终点区的移动足球游戏!
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:7.10.5 更新时间:2024-07-11 大小:108.7M
运营状态:运营 开发商:CBS Interactive, Inc.
单人 英文 7.0及更高


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