Fugitive Desires : Romance Otome Game

版本:2.1.8 大小:69.5M 关注:51 更新:2022-01-06 模拟恋爱 动漫 单人 模拟人生


Discover your true love in this unique Romance Otome Game from Genius Inc! ■Synopsis■ You were living a pretty average life until one night, you hear a strange noise coming from upstairs. When you go to check out what it is, you find that a woman has been murdered! You panic and try to call the cops, but suddenly everything goes black as you pass out... When you wake up, you find the bloody murder weapon in your hand! Before you know it, you've been arrested by the police. All of the evidence points to you being the murderer! But that night, a lone detective comes to your aid. He helps you escape the holding cell and tells you that the true murderer is still out there. Will you be able to prove your innocence and find the killer?! ■Characters■ The Alpha Male Detective - Luke He’s a tough-as-nails detective that doesn’t believe in going by the book. He’s got a hunch that you’re innocent and he’s determined to get to the bottom of it. But maybe that’s not the only thing he wants to figure out…? The Calm and Cool Reporter - Nash This mysterious reporter’s a good friend of yours, but he has a dark past that motivates him to find the true criminal. Could it be that he wants to overcome what happened in the past? The Sweet Childhood Friend - Rio Rio’s your childhood friend who works in the same department as Luke! He knows that you didn’t do it and he’ll do anything in his power to prove your innocence! Could it be love that motivates him? 在Genius公司这个独特的浪漫乙女游戏中发现你的真爱! ■简介■ 你过着平常的生活,直到一个晚上,你听到楼上传来一阵奇怪的声音。当你去看看它是什么时,你会发现一个女人被谋杀了!你恐慌并试图打电话给警察,但是当你昏倒时突然一切都变黑了......当你醒来时,你会发现手中的血腥谋杀武器!在您知道之前,您已被警方逮捕。所有的证据都表明你是凶手!但是那天晚上,一个孤独的侦探来帮助你。他帮助你逃离牢房并告诉你真正的凶手还在那里。你能证明自己的清白并找到杀手吗?! ■人物■ 阿尔法男侦探 - 卢克 他是一个坚韧的指甲侦探,不相信这本书。他有一种预感,你是无辜的,他决心深究这一点。但也许这不是他唯一想弄明白的东西......? 冷静和冷静的记者 - 纳什 这个神秘的记者是你的好朋友,但他有一个黑暗的过去,激励他找到真正的罪犯。难道他想要克服过去发生的事情吗? 甜蜜的童年朋友 - 力拓 里约是你儿时的朋友,与卢克在同一个部门工作!他知道你没有这样做,他会尽其所能来证明你的清白!可能是爱激励他吗?
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:2.1.8 更新时间:2021-06-09 大小:69.5M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Genius Inc
模拟恋爱 动漫 单人 模拟人生 英文 5.0及更高


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