In the year 9001, humans destroyed all habitable planets in the known universe. On the last planet, they managed to create a space dimension device. With this device, they were able to travel to a different dimension. The world of Idling to Rule the Gods. In the first habitable planet they found, they noticed the world works different than the known universe. It is ruled by gods. Soon after, Hyperion, the first god found the humans and fought them. After a long lasting fight, all humans but you – the player – died. While surviving the whole time, you developed your own special ability: to create shadow clones. The game starts here. You create shadow clones, they train, learn skills and fight monsters for you, while you absorb their power until you are powerful enough to beat the first god “Hyperion”. After beating Hyperion, you find many, much stronger gods. To be able to defeat all of them, you must find various ways to become more powerful. You rebirth, create your own monuments, train pets and fight ultimate beings. Let the numbers go up, become the strongest god in the universe! 在9001年,人类摧毁已知的宇宙中所有居住的行星。在最后的星球,他们设法创造一个空间尺寸装置。有了这种设备,他们能够前往不同的维度。怠速的世界规则神。 在第一个居住的行星,他们发现,他们发现世界的运作比已知的宇宙不同。它是由神统治。不久之后,海波,第一神发现人类和他们战斗。一个长期持久的战斗之后,所有的人,但你 - 播放 - 死亡。而幸存的全部时间,你开发了自己的特殊能力:创造影子克隆。 本场比赛从这里开始。 创建影子克隆,他们训练,学习技能和怪物进行战斗的你,而你吸收他们的权力,直到你强大到足以击败第一神“海波”。击败海波后,你会发现许多人来说,更强大的神。为了能够打败所有的人,你必须找到不同的方式变得更加强大。你重生,创建自己的古迹,训练宠物,争取最终的众生。 让数字上去了,成为最强的神在宇宙!
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