Can you guess all the clubs, knowing only the nationality of the players and their placement on the field? The task is not easy. The game will have to include all your football knowledge. You need to know the tactical schemes of the clubs, for which teams "hidden" players play and just be able to guess by indirect hints. Also, if difficulties arise, the game has the usual clues. For example, you can open the first letter of the name of the hidden club or immediately see the answer. But much more interesting is another hint: in the game you can find out the name of a specially marked player. This will help you guess what kind of club it is. The game will be complemented by new levels, as well as, of course, the teams will be updated. At the moment, the selected teams in the form in which they played the last or one of the last rounds. 你能猜出所有俱乐部,只知道球员的国籍和他们在球场上的位置吗?这项任务并不容易。游戏必须包括你所有的足球知识。你需要知道俱乐部的战术方案,哪些球队“隐藏”球员发挥,只能通过间接提示进行猜测。此外,如果遇到困难,游戏就会有通常的线索。 例如,您可以打开隐藏俱乐部名称的第一个字母或立即看到答案。但更有趣的是另一个暗示:在游戏中你可以找到一个特别标记的玩家的名字。这将有助于您猜出它是什么类型的俱乐部。游戏将由新的关卡补充,当然,团队也会更新。目前,选定的球队以最后一轮或最后一轮的形式进行比赛。
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