Drive the most famous buses in Brazil and the world through challenging roads that will test all your skills as a driver, Feel like the life of the bus drivers!
- Multiple buses: Vehicles with different power and gear ratio, simulating the characteristics of the real vehicles! (More buses will be added in the next updates)
- Skins for painting, detail and glasses of coaches, Customize with your favorite painting!
- Realistic Physics: Our team tested real vehicles and collected opinions from professional drivers to bring to the game a reality closer experience for the players. We also include change of grip on the Track according to the type of terrain or rainy day and many other new features.
-Adjustment of steering sensitivity and different control types.
- Automatic and manual gearbox
- Adjusting the driver's position in the cab
- Realistic graphics, with configuration options to run on weaker phones!
- Dangerous Roads: Take on the challenges and prove yourself a good driver through dangerous saws, dirt roads and many challenges!
- Large open world map with several cities (the map of the game will also be expanded in the next updates)
- Cycle day / night With beautiful visual!
- Rain and climate change!
- Leaderboards!
- System of achievements
- Report the latest gains and expenses.
- Radars and fines
- People in companies
- Balance, toll booths, tax offices, gas stations and various other events in the game.
- Gps on Dashboard
- Driver badge with possibility of the player to put his photo.
The game will receive several updates over time, to always be bringing new features to the players!
- 多辆公共汽车:具有不同功率和传动比的车辆,模拟真实车辆的特征! (将在下次更新中添加更多总线)
- 用于绘画,细节和教练眼镜的皮肤,用您最喜欢的画作定制!
- 逼真的物理:我们的团队测试了真实的车辆并收集了专业车手的意见,为玩家带来了真实的玩家体验。我们还根据地形或下雨天的类型以及许多其他新功能包括更改轨道上的抓地力。
- 调整转向灵敏度和不同的控制类型。
- 自动和手动变速箱
- 调整驾驶员在驾驶室中的位置
- 逼真的图形,配置选项可在较弱的手机上运行!
- 危险的道路:接受挑战,通过危险的锯,泥路和许多挑战证明自己是一个好的驱动力!
- 包含多个城市的大型开放世界地图(游戏地图也将在下次更新时进行扩展)
- 白天/黑夜周期美丽的视觉效果!
- 雨和气候变化!
- 排行榜!
- 成就系统
- 报告最新的收益和费用。
- 雷达和罚款
- 公司人员
- 平衡,收费站,税务局,加油站和游戏中的各种其他活动。
- 仪表板上的Gps
- 驾驶员徽章,玩家可以放置他的照片。