Ragnarok Clicker

版本:1.1.18 大小:94.1M 关注:698 更新:2019-01-27 角色扮演


Experience the original classic world of Ragnarok Online in a new game collaboration by Playsaurus (developers of Clicker Heroes) and Gravity Interactive. The teams have "clicked" together to bring new life to the monsters and characters of Ragnarok to the idle game genre.

體驗最經典、最原汁原味的RO世界!在《Ragnarok Clicker》放置型手遊最高境界之作中,與各路RO仙境傳說的英雄共同奮戰,享受放置PLAY帶來的無限歡樂。

Begin your journey with only your loyal Novice friend into the World of Ragnarok, and seeking out more party members to give you more skills and damage. Battle ever increasing challenges by assembling more party members and leveling them up with zeny, gain special bonuses by capturing MVP cards for an edge to your unique playstyle.


Visit the beautiful vistas and terrifying dungeons of Ragnarok, face down monsters from the cute Porings to the terrifying MVP Bosses of the world. Progress to higher dungeon levels to prove your ability and patience while, recruiting and deploying mercenary helpers to bring in extra loot, and of course team up with your friends to form a guild to take on multiplayer guild challenges that await!

在《Ragnarok Clicker》中,RO世界各地的美景盡收眼底,嚴峻的地下城等待勇者來挑戰,看似可愛的波利與各種駭人的怪獸,將阻擋在初心者的冒險道路上!

Play the game with your own style, either Idle or in active tapping/clicking mode or anything in between. Even after you reach extremely high dungeon levels you can restart your dungeon run with many of our items and MVP card benefits to try and reach ever higher and faster! Over 100 Monsters and and infinite dungeon levels to battle, join the adventure of a lifetime today!

創造屬於你自己的玩法,自動、手動,兩種玩法一次擁有!怪獸卡、傭兵等系統,打造自己的獨特隊伍,快來加入《Ragnarok Clicker》的冒險世界吧!
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:1.1.18 更新时间:2019-01-31 大小:94.1M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Gravity Interactive Inc.
需要google框架 需要VPN 英文 3.0及更高


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