VoiceFX is a powerful voice changer app to transform your voice and your musics with audio effects.You can also live playback your voice with voice effects and ear people talking live with transformed voice.You can even stream live your changed voice to your media players or web browsers.Available voice changer audio effects to change voice:Chipmunk, Autotune, Robot, Female, Male, Kid, Strong, Double, Mask, Drunk, Slow, Fast, Sheep, Monster, Alien, Cave, Space...The following features are available:[✔] Record and change voice by applying audio effects[✔] Save, share, set as phone ringtone or notification ringtone your changed voice as MP3[✔] Load musics or other audio files to apply voice changer effects on it[✔] Live playback your microphone and change voice live[✔] Live stream your microphone and change voice live to media players or web browsersMore features and effects will come soon!If you have any feature request or bug report please feel free to contact us: support@mobzapp.comWe hope you will have a lot of fun with our app.Happy voice changing ! VoiceFX是一个功能强大的语音转换应用程序来改变你的声音,并与音频效果您的音乐。您也可以在线播放你的声音与声音效果和耳朵的人转化的声音现场说话。你甚至可以串流直播你的声音改变你的媒体播放器或网络浏览器。可用语音转换的音频效果来改变声音:花栗鼠,自动调谐,机器人,女性,男性,儿童,强壮,双,口罩,醉,慢,快,羊,怪物,外星人,洞,空间...以下功能是可用的:通过施加音频效果[✔]录制和改变声音[✔]保存,共享,设为手机铃声或通知铃声您改变声音的MP3[✔]负载的音乐或其他音频文件适用于它的声音效果换[✔]实况回放您的麦克风和语音改变生活[✔]实况流您的麦克风和语音改变活到媒体播放器或网络浏览器更多的功能和效果很快就会来临!如果您有任何功能请求或错误报告,请随时联系我们:support@mobzapp.com我们希望你将有很多的乐趣与我们的应用程序。快乐的声音改变!
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