Breathtaking journey into an alien world full of mysteries, challenging puzzles and big scary monsters."The spectacular visuals, serene soundtrack and intuitive gameplay make it a sure-fire success" - MacUser Magazine, March 2013 (iPad)"Beautifully atmospheric, gently taxing, and thoroughly absorbing: Shardlands is the kind of mature gaming experience you'll whip out to validate your pastime to non-gaming friends." - Pocket Gamer, Silver Award (iPad)"For those looking for a slower, atmospheric experience with just the right dash of puzzle flavor, this gets a hearty recommendation." - AppSpy (iPhone)Shardlands is an atmospheric 3D action puzzle adventure game with breathtaking visuals, beautiful soundtrack and fluid gameplay. Dawn is lost in a desolate alien world trying to find her way back home. She must activate an ancient machine with keys that are scattered around a broken world full of puzzles, monsters and dangerous contraptions. Features: • Optimized for Tablets• Innovative gameplay and intuitive controls• Gorgeous dynamic lighting engine brings the alien world to life • Beautiful and atmospheric original soundtrack and sound effects • 25 challenging levels packed with puzzles, exploration and stealth action More info: http://shardlands.comFollow us on Twitter: And join us on Facebook: Info:* If you feel the frame rate is low, try to toggle on the "Low-Detail mode" from the Graphics in-game-menu* If you think graphics are too shiny and want more an old school-experience, feel free to try the "Indie mode"* If your device has enough power, go ahead and toggle on the "Bloom" 惊险旅程到一个陌生的世界充满神秘色彩,具有挑战性的难题和大的吓人的怪物。“壮观的视觉效果,宁静的配乐和直观的游戏使其成为一个安全可靠的成功” - MACUSER杂志,2013年3月(新iPad)“精美大气,轻轻征税,彻底吸收。Shardlands是那种成熟的游戏体验,你会马上拿出来验证您的消遣非博彩的朋友” - 口袋Gamer,银奖(新iPad)“对于那些寻找与解谜的味道恰到好处的冲刺速度较慢,大气的经验,这得到了酣畅淋漓的建议。” - AppSpy(iPhone)Shardlands是一种大气的3D动作解谜冒险与惊人的视觉效果,美丽的配乐和流畅的游戏比赛。黎明是失去了在一个荒凉的外星世界试图找到她踏上回家的路。她必须激活一个古老的机器与分散在一个破碎的世界充满了困惑,怪物和危险的玩意儿的钥匙。产品特点:•优化的片•创新的游戏玩法和直观的控制•华丽的动态光影引擎带来的外星世界的生命•美丽和大气原有的配乐和音效•挤满了困惑,探索和隐身行动25具有挑战性的水平更多信息:http://shardlands.com在Twitter关注我们:并加入我们的Facebook:附加信息:*如果您觉得帧速率低,尝试切换从在游戏菜单中的图形的“低详细模式”*如果您认为图形是太亮,并希望更多的老学校的经验,可以自由地尝试“独立开发模式”*如果您的设备有足够的力量,继续前进,切换上的“绽放”