Portals are one of the best way to teleport between two places/maps and when you combine it with Minecraft you just get pure and exciting fun, Amazing Portals for Minecraft app is a mod for minecraft that enables you to fun with a variety of different portals so what are you waiting for go ahead and download Minecraft Portal Mod and enjoy your portal!!!This app contains 4 Amazing Portal Mods :1. Stone Lava Portal2. End Portal3. TNT Portal4. Hexagon Aether PortalDon't forget to rate and share!This is a fan app free Unofficial any content that is not owned by the developer are of their respective owners. We believe that under the doctrine of applications as they are reduced size and excerpted for your information if you would like to request the removal of images of our collection for a reason. Copyright, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to oblige. 门户网站的最佳途径之一,以两地/地图之间瞬移,当你与我的世界结合起来,你只得到纯净的和令人兴奋的乐趣,惊人的门户网站的Minecraft的应用程序是一个国防部的Minecraft,使您的乐趣与各种不同的门户网站所以你还等什么的,那就下载的Minecraft门户国防部和享受您的门户!这个应用程序包含4个惊人的门户模组:1.石熔岩门户2.最终门户3. TNT门户4.六角以太门户不要忘记率与大家共享!这是一个风扇的应用程序免费非官方的任何内容不是由开发商拥有的是其各自所有者的。我们认为,应用程序,因为它们减少大小和摘录,供大家参考原则下,如果你想要求去除我们收集的图像是有原因的。版权所有,请随时与我们联系,我们将很乐意效劳。
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