Add an extra level of excitement to your Airsoft/Paintball/Foam dart wars with this FREE Virtual Time Bomb!Loads of options to allow you to customize it to fit ANY game or scenario you can imagine. This time bomb app is a must have for every Airsoft/Paintball/Foam dart enthusiast! All features are enabled free.•Set the countdown timer to detonate anywhere from 1 second to 24 hours•Set a secret disarm code, then decide how many times it can be entered incorrectly before it explodes!•Unscrew and remove the front panel to get access to the inner wiring!•Wires can be set to any combination of reactions.Cut one to Disarm, Detonate, Increase Countdown Speed, or Decrease Speed!•Generates a unique Serial Number for every bomb to stop cheaters!•Realistic explosion sounds and effects and high quality graphics.•Can be used as a fun objective for Airsoft/Paintball/Foam dart/Capture the Flag, or even LARP games, or whatever else you can imagine!Example scenarios: Team 1 has to disarm the bomb to win, but the disarm code is guarded by Team 2.OR cutting any wire will disarm the timer, but the bomb is out in the open, and panel screws have been set to take a lot of time to remove. Team 1 has to protect their teammate while he slowly tries to disarm it.OR Every member of Team 2 is carrying a piece of paper with one digit from the disarm code on it, and when they're shot, they have to give it to the person who shot them.The possibilities are limitless!Touch the ? icon to show a description of the option controls.This ad-supported app is completely free. The interstitial ads only show up between screens, so you don't have to worry about an ad showing up mid-game. Ads can be disabled via in-app purchase. 增加兴奋额外级别到你的气枪/彩弹射击/泡沫镖战争有了这个免费的虚拟定时炸弹!期权荷载,让您可以定制以满足任何游戏或场景中,你可以想像。这个定时炸弹应用程序是一个必须为每一个气枪/彩弹射击/泡沫飞镖爱好者!所有的功能都是免费启用。•设置倒计时到1秒的任何地方引爆至24小时•设置一个秘密撤防代码,然后再决定多少次爆炸,才可以输入不正确!•松开并卸下前面板可以访问内部布线!•导线可以设置为reactions.Cut一个任意组合缴械,引爆倒计时提高速度或降低速度!•生成每个炸弹停骗子唯一的序列号!•现实的爆炸声和效果和高品质的图形。•可作为一个有趣客观上为气枪/彩弹射击/泡沫镖/夺旗,甚至叻游戏,或者其他任何你能想象!示例场景:1队有解除炸弹取胜,但缴械代码由2队把守。或切割线的任何缴械将定时器,但炸弹是在开放和面板的螺丝已设置采取了很多的时间来消除。 1队有保护自己的队友,而他慢慢地试图解除它。或团队2的每一个成员是带着一张纸,从它缴械一个代码数字,当他们拍摄,他们必须把它给谁向他们开枪的人。可能性是无限的!触摸?图标以显示选项控制的描述。这则广告支持的应用程序是完全免费的。该插页广告只显示屏幕之间,所以你不必担心广告展示了游戏中期。广告可以通过应用程序内购买被禁用。
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