WAR! Showdown Full Free

版本: 大小:56M 关注:2923 更新:2022-01-06 单人 无需网络


WAR! Showdown is a fast-paced real-time strategy (RTS) game designed for play on tablets and phones with an emphasis on fun, tactical gameplay5 Stars - This game is in one word awesome5 Stars - Amazing game. Simple yet addicting.5 Stars - Great game! Fun RTS and should be a must download.5 Stars - Amazing game, one of the best for Android :)This is the followup to Pirates! Showdown, the game that PocketGamer called "rather masterful" and Digital Trends named as one of the top 3 Android tablet games!What SuperGameDroid.com had to say:"Like a hybrid of Command & Conquer and Great Little War Game, WAR! Showdown gives players all the tactical awesomeness of a real time strategy game without all the muss and fuss of micro managing resources."Face off against the enemy in thrilling head-to-head battles! Capture factories, bunkers, mortars, and much more to increase your resource supply and strengthen your defenses. Capture your enemy's base to win, but make sure you are also defending your own base! 93 campaign levels across fields, deserts, frozen tundra, and rocky terrain in 4 campaigns, plus an infinite number of randomly generated maps in skirmish mode!STREAMLINED RTS DESIGNED FOR MOBILES!Fast paced RTS gameplay without complicated resource management or cumbersome controls. Units will advance and attack on their own or you can take control and direct themMANY UNIT TYPES!Infantry units, helicopters, tanks and more. Each has unique weapons or abilities such as the sniper who can attack long range and the grenadier who can toss grenades over walls. Use the right units to win!CAPTURE!Factories, power plants, and even forgotten treasure chests supply you with resources. Turrets and mortars will attack the enemy. Capture satellite dishes to improve your local units attack ability and more!UPGRADE!Upgrade factories to increase resource production. Upgrade turrets to increase their firepower. Upgrade satellite dishes to increase their effect range. Etc.STRATEGY!Will you aggressively capture factories to supply your troops or invest in the factories you have to increase their production? Wage a war with squads of infantry, send a squadron of attack choppers, or play a defensive battle holding your ground and build up your supply chain?93 UNIQUE LEVELS IN FOUR CAMPAIGNS!Pursue the enemy across fields, deserts, frozen tundra, and rocky terrain. Once you beat all four campaigns there are still randomly generated levels awaiting in skirmish mode.ADJUSTABLE AI DIFFICULTY!Set the game to be as easy or as difficult as you want. Try to beat every level on the extra hard difficulty if you dare!HD GRAPHICSSee every unit, smoke trail, tracer, and explosion in full resolution on every device. Supports full HD on devices with HD displays.CONTROL TIME SPEED!At any time you can speed up or slow down time to play at your own pace. Allow yourself more time to prepare your strategy or speed up your opponent's demise!SKIRMISH MODES!Two skirmish modes provide an infinite number of randomly generated maps and allows you to choose what map size you want to play. Use strategy on ever new battlefields! 战争!摊牌是一个快节奏的即时战略(RTS)游戏在平板电脑和手机游戏设计的重点放在乐趣,战术游戏5星 - 这场比赛是在一个字真棒5星 - 令人惊叹的游戏。简单而上瘾的。5颗星 - 伟大的比赛!有趣的RTS和应该是一个必须下载。5星 - 令人惊叹的游戏,最好的Andr​​ oid 1 :)这是后续到海盗!摊牌,说已PocketGamer游戏称为“相当高超”,并命名为的前3名的Andr​​oid平板电脑游戏之一数字趋势!什么SuperGameDroid.com说的话:“像命令与征服和伟大的小战争游戏的混合体,WAR!摊牌为玩家提供了一个即时战略游戏中的所有战术迷死人不微管理资源全部一团糟及做文章。”面对反对敌人的惊险头对麦芒的战斗!捕捉工厂,掩体,迫击炮,等等,以增加你的资源供应,并加强你的防御。捕捉你的敌人的基地取胜,但要确保你也会捍卫自己的基地! 93运动水平跨越领域,沙漠,冻土,并在4战役岩石地形,再加上在遭遇战模式随机生成的地图无限多!流线型的RTS设计用于MOBILES!快节奏的RTS游戏,没有复杂的资源管理或繁琐的控制。单位会提前和攻击自己或者你可以采取控制和引导他们 MANY单位类型!步兵部队,直升机,坦克等。每个人都有独特的武器或能力,如谁可以攻击射程远,谁可以在墙上扔手榴弹的掷弹兵的狙击手。使用权单位给赢了!捕捉!工厂,发电厂,甚至忘却宝箱为您提供的资源。炮塔和迫击炮将攻击敌人。捕获卫星天线,以改善当地的部队的​​攻击能力和更多!升级!升级工厂,以增加资源产量。升级炮塔,以增加他们的火力。升级卫星天线,以增加它们的影响范围。等等咯!你会积极捕捉工厂提供你的部队或投资,你必须提高他们的生产工厂?工资与步兵小队战,派遣攻击直升机中队,或打防守战牵着你的地,并建立你的供应链? 93四次竞选独特的水平!追求跨越领域,沙漠,冻土和岩石地形的敌人。一旦你击败所有四个活动,还是有随机生成的水平在等待小冲突模式。可调的AI难度!将游戏设置为你想要的那么容易或困难。尝试击败上多余的难度各个层面,如果你敢!高清显卡看到每一个单位,烟雾的踪迹,追踪,和爆炸在每一个设备上的全分辨率。支持与高清显示器设备的全高清。控制时间速度!在任何时候,你可以加快或减慢时间按照自己的节奏打。让自己有更多的时间来准备你的策略或加快你的对手的灭亡!遭遇战模式!两个小冲突模式提供随机生成的地图无限数量,并允许您选择您想要玩什么地图的大小。使用策略上不断的新战场!
包来源:谷歌市场 版本: 更新时间:2023-05-26 大小:56M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Flashpoint Games, LLC
单人 无需网络 英文 5.1及更高


我要自己创造地图 一直用你们的地图,有点闷,如果可以创造自己独特的地图那就太好了!!!
WAR! Showdown Full Free 举报
2 0 1人回复
酷酷跑网友_3406603 回复 举报 5年前
我要自己创造地图 一直用你们的地图,有点闷。如果可以创造自己独特的地图那就太好了!!!
WAR! Showdown Full Free 举报
3 0 0人回复
WAR! Showdown Full Free累计583人浏览,2人评论,欢迎在酷酷跑下载WAR! Showdown Full Free,目前已经有2923用户在酷酷跑关注了WAR! Showdown Full Free。

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