Ninja Handseals is a memory game where you should memorize the sets of hand seal to make the right ninja's style. You can choose 6 elements of ninja's style, there are Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning and Special. Choose the name of style, and then you'll be given the sets of hand seals to be memorized. After that, there are 12 set of hand seals that should be arranged within the time limit. Get the achievement as the Master of styles if you can memorize all of the styles very well.The hand seal pictures is from the Naruto Series, by Masashi Kishimoto. 忍者Handseals是一个记忆游戏,你应该记住套手封右忍者的风格。忍者的风格,你可以选择6个元素,有地球,火,水,风,闪电和特别。选择样式的名称,然后你会得到手密封套记忆。在这之后,还有12组手应安排在时间限制之内的密封件。作为法师的风格获得成就,如果你能记住所有样式很好。手印章图片是从火影忍者系列,岸本齐史。
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