Boil an egg to create an OSSAN! (a middle-aged Japanese man)Boil your own original OSSAN.3-Easy-Steps!1. Boil the egg2. Peel off the egg shell3. There! You have your boiled OSSAN egg!ENJOY!!USE some fine salt: ARAJIOPurchase ARAJIO at the store.Using ARAJIO will boil the eggs faster, and prevent fast rotting eggs!Remember to always use ARAJIO!When you collect many different kinds of boiled OSSAN eggs, you can get a new boiling pot! You can create even more different kinds of boiled OSSAN eggs, with your newly obtained pot! Enjoy the nonstop growth of the OSSAN collection!And so, what exactly is a boiled OSSAN egg?This app demonstrates the irony of the modern day world, by showing a little egg (a baby) being thrown into the hot boiling water (the society), results in each unique boiled OSSAN egg.--------------------Like us! us! OSSAN stamps are currently available on LINE!For LINE users, why don't you give them a try?Series 1: 2: out our Music Video!MUSIC VIDEO - OSSAN TANGO 煮鸡蛋来创建一个OSSAN! (一名中年日本男子)煮沸自己的原创OSSAN。三易的步骤!1.煮鸡蛋2.剥去蛋壳3.有!你有你的煮鸡蛋OSSAN!享受!使用一些细盐:ARAJIO购买ARAJIO在商店。使用ARAJIO将煮鸡蛋更快,并防止快速腐烂的鸡蛋!记住,总是使用ARAJIO!当你收集许多不同种类的煮鸡蛋OSSAN的,你可以得到一个新的沸水锅中!你可以创造更多的不同类型的煮鸡蛋OSSAN的,你新获得的锅!享受OSSAN收集的不间断成长!因此,究竟是什么一个煮鸡蛋OSSAN?这个应用程序演示了现代世界的讽刺,通过展示一个小鸡蛋(婴儿)被扔进沸水中烫(社会),结果在每一个独特的煮鸡蛋OSSAN。--------------------像我们这样的!跟着我们!热门OSSAN邮票在网上公布!对于线路的用户,你为什么不给他们一个尝试?系列一:系列2:看看我们的音乐视频!MUSIC VIDEO - OSSAN TANGO拖车