Fly like a bird 3 hits the android at last. This is the Free Lite version.Have you ever dreamed of flying like a bird? Now you can, and so much more...Forage for food, build nests, raise chicks and poo on people, as well as meet other players in multiplayer mode.3 birds now available, and the original Cityscape and Snowscape (get the full version to unlock all the other birds and landscapes).A Cult classic, in glorious real-time 3D! 像鸟儿一样飞翔3分命中android的最后。这是免费的精简版的版本。你有没有梦想飞翔,像一只鸟吗?现在你可以和这么多...觅食,筑巢,提高雏鸡和便便的人,以及满足其他玩家在多人模式。3鸟现已有售,和原来的城市景观和雪景(获得完整版解锁所有其他鸟类和风景)。邪教的经典,在光荣的实时3D!
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