Syobon Action (known as "Cat Mario" or "Neko Mario") is a Jump 'n' Run Game parody The traps are different from what you would expect from a jump and run game. Skill and a bit of imagination are needed and nerves of steel because it can be frustrating at times (which makes the game so addicting).The challenge is to beat the game by loosing as few lives as possible.The game includes the original four levels of Syobon Action with a few differences (new traps), so if you played the original Syobon Action don't be "shy" and play it because it will still be able to surprise you :).The original freeware version was developed by ちく (Chiku) ( Syobon行动(俗称“猫马里奥”或“猫马里奥”)是一个跳跃'N'运行游戏模仿的陷阱是从你会期望从一个跳跃和运行游戏有什么不同。技巧和一点想象力都需要和钢铁般的意志,因为它可以在次令人沮丧的(这使得游戏等成瘾)。我们面临的挑战是失去尽可能少的生活尽可能地打游戏。游戏包括原来的四个层次Syobon行动有一些差异(新陷阱),所以如果你玩过原作Syobon行动不要“害羞”,发挥它,因为它仍然能够给你惊喜:)。原来的免费版本是由ちく(七股)开发(。
Super Cat World: Syobon Action累计1217人浏览,3人评论,欢迎在酷酷跑下载Super Cat World: Syobon Action,目前已经有4008用户在酷酷跑关注了Super Cat World: Syobon Action。
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