Airplane Flight Simulator 3D is an awesome 3D Air Plane Sim flying game. Start off with learning how to fly a plane, you simply take off from airport island and flying the plane to another Airport Runway. You must then park the airplane on the runway. In this aircraft flying simulation game, complete the levels within 50% of the given time and collect all the rings to earn all 3 badges; so racing through the levels can get you all of the badges.As you develop your skills and progress through the game, you have the opportunity to unlock bigger and faster planes. Be very careful, there's a lot of passengers relying on your pilot skills. 飞机飞行模拟器3D是一个真棒3D飞行的星际飞行游戏。学习如何驾驶飞机,你只需从机场岛起飞和飞行飞机到其他机场跑道开始。然后,您必须停在跑道上的飞机。在这架飞机飞行模拟游戏,完成的水平之内的给定时间的50%,并收集所有能够获得的所有3徽章环;所以通过各级赛车可以让你所有的徽章。当你在游戏中培养你的技能和进度,你有机会解锁更大,更快的飞机。要非常小心,有很多依靠你的飞行员技能的乘客。
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