Mayday Mayday! Prepare for trouble in the turbulent skies of Emergency Landing Disaster. Featuring realistic flight simulation for mobile. Now with 4 aircraft and free flight mode! Featuring music by Matthew Pablo.Come rain or shine, these airliners are crashing. Hard. Can you land safely? No?! Well let's see how many pieces you can get to the airport. I'm sure it will be fine!Ok... So it wasn't fine. But hey, with free missions and the biggest airplanes in the sky, who isn't going to enjoy Emergency Landing Disaster? I would imagine the passengers; we forgot about them again.HOW TO PLAY:Use the on screen joystick, or tilt controls, to control the aircraft. Switch between Joystick and Tilt controls in the Option or Pause menu.The goal is to land your airline as safely as possible and taxi to the rescue zone! The suggested virtual flight path for a smooth landing is shown in green checkpoints, but a safe, smooth landing is your only priority!FEATURES:* 4 exciting aircraft in different scenarios* Free flight mode with endless play* Flight simulator with realistic aerofoil and control surfaces. You wont believe the flight realism!* Realistic flight models! A physics based flight simulator made by pilots for pilots.* Both joystick and tilt controls allow you to play the way you like.* All content is FREE, no paid upgrades or in game purchases to slow you down.Tips:*For perfect landings, you want to stall onto your back wheels. Bring the plane up to the runway and drop the throttle while slightly pulling back on the yolk(swipe and hold in the down direction). This will allow the aircraft to softly settle down on her rear wheels.*Don't forget your surfaces! The Flaps and Air brake can be crucial in taking control at low air speeds. Additional lift and drag can do wonders when attempting to land smoothly and safely.Remember. Anybody can just land a plane. But it takes a pilot to crash in style!...Wait, that cant be right.---FOLLOW US---*Follow on Google+ -*Follow on Twitter -*Like on Facebook - you have any suggestions or comments please contact us, we hope to hear from you! DMT Source, LLC is an Orlando, FL USA, based developer. SoundFX by Music by Matthew Pablo, 五月天五月天!准备在紧急着陆灾害汹涌的天空麻烦。拥有逼真的飞行模拟移动。现在有4架飞机和自由飞行模式!由马修·巴勃罗特色的音乐。风雨无阻,这些飞机正在崩溃。硬。你能安全着陆?没有?那么让我们来看看你能有多少件到机场。我敢肯定,这将是罚款!好吧......所以这是不精。但是,嘿,有免费的任务和最大的飞机在天空中,谁不会享受紧急着陆灾害?我会想象的乘客;我们忘记了他们了。HOW TO PLAY:使用屏幕上的操纵杆,或倾斜控制,来控制飞机。摇杆之间的切换,并在倾斜的选项控制或暂停菜单。我们的目标是为安全着陆的航空公司尽可能和出租车救援区!建议的虚拟飞行路径平稳降落显示为绿色关卡,但一个安全,平稳降落是你唯一的重点!产品特点:* 4激动人心的飞机在不同的场景*免费飞行模式与无尽的游戏*飞行模拟器与现实的机翼和控制面。你不会相信写实的飞行!*逼真的飞行模式!一个基于物理学的飞行模拟器飞行员由飞行员。*这两个操纵杆和倾斜控制让你玩你喜欢的方式。*所有的内容是免费的,没有付费升级或购买游戏给你慢下来。温馨提示:*对于完美的着陆,你想拖延到您的后轮。带上飞机到跑道拖放油门,而稍微蛋黄拉回(刷卡并保持在上下方向)。这将允许飞机轻轻地安顿下来她的后轮。*不要忘记你的面!襟翼和空气制动可以采取控制在较低的空气速度是至关重要的。额外的升力和阻力可以尝试顺利,安全降落的时候创造奇迹。记住。任何人都可以直接降落的飞机。但它需要一个试点崩溃的风格!...等等,这不能是正确的。---跟着我们---*请在Google+上 -*在Twitter -*在Facebook上一样 -如果您有任何建议或意见,请与我们联系,我们希望听到您的声音! DMT来源,LLC是奥兰多,佛罗里达州美国的开发商。通过 SoundFX。音乐由马修·巴勃罗,。
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