Sniper Shooting 3D is brand new, realistic action shooting game. You take the role as the sniper based in a sniper's nest, taking out the enemies that are coming to attack you. To complete the level, you must use your sniper rifle to shoot all the enemy soldiers to advance on to the next level. If you don't get all the enemy soldiers before your health is depleted, you will lose. With each level comes more enemy soldiers who will move into position to take you down. Harness you sniper skills and become the greatest sniper to defeat the enemy soldiers.An addition to the game is the new game mode 'Zombie Shooter'. You take the role as the sniper in an arcade points style shooter were each shot to a zombie will build up your high score. Shoot as many zombies before the time ends to get a high score, see if you can beat your best with each try. Stop the zombie horde with your amazing sniper skills. 狙击手射击3D是全新的,逼真的动作射击游戏。你把角色作为总部设在狙击手的巢狙击手,同时指出,要来攻击你的敌人。要完成的水平,你必须使用你的狙击步枪射击所有的敌兵推进到一个新的水平。如果你没有得到所有的敌兵之前,你的健康耗尽,你将失去。每一层楼,更敌兵谁将会进入位置,把你拿下。利用你的狙击技能,能够成为克敌制胜的战士最大的狙击。一个除了游戏是新的游戏模式“僵尸射击游戏”。你把作为一个街机点风格的射击游戏狙击是每一个镜头,来一个借尸还魂将建立你高分的作用。拍摄尽可能多的僵尸前的时间结束,以获得较高的分数,看看你能不能打败你的每个尝试最好的。阻止僵尸部落与惊人的狙击技能。
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