Airport Parking

版本:1.1.2 大小:47.4M 关注:1577 更新:2022-01-06


Airport Parking is a fun, free parking game with many driving challenges for you to overcome. Each of these 20 levels have been designed with one thing in mind, which is to make the game fun for the player.You will be set out over 50 different parking tasks to perform within the given time limit you are allowed to drive. You are the one person that will have to keep the airport running smoothly for the planes to land. You will not be the only car or plane moving around the airport. There’ll be other workers carrying out similar tasks to you on different planes that may of just landed, or airplanes heading to the runway.If you crash into another cargo car or airplane, you will fail the task and cause the airport on-goings to come to a halt. If you do crash into an airplane, the great part about this is that it’s only a game, so you’ll be able to restart the level for a second or third attempt.Epic LevelsWithin the levels you will be given the chance to drive and succeed in driving the various airport vehicles you are able to see in an everyday airport in this free plane parking game. Once you set off from your starting point you will have to drive to your destination you will have to park in the designated zones to complete the level. The only task in this simulator, is to park your car or plane into the designated area.Some of these tasks will be very challenging as you are working against time and if you’re not in the correct place with your stair car or your food truck, you will be delaying the airplanes from taking off for their flight. We don’t want to anger the pilot!The opportunity for you to take on all the tasks of the airport staff is here. Refuel the airplanes, drive the passengers to the terminal from the airplane, transport the airplane to the runway and transport the luggage from the plane to the airport terminal.Vehicles you’ll get to drive in this airport parking simulator!Luggage Cart - Drive this to transport the passengers luggage to the correct plane. These are sometimes very difficult to maneuver. Be careful not to drive past your designated unloading place as reversing parking these can be very tricky to accomplish.Security Car - This will be drive for you to supply security for V.I.Ps and to transport them to the terminal from the plane safely.Fuel Tank Truck - You’ll have to drive to the refuelling station to fill up the tank to then take to the plane that is requesting the refuel.Stair Car - Not a great turning vehicle, so you will have to plan your approach to parking carefully.Food Supply Truck - Try not to go under the plane's wings with this vehicle as you will surely crash!Push back Tug - The most complicated car within the game. One wrong turn can cause so many problems in this top free parking game when trying to get back on course. In reverse this will perform according to how skillful you are at towing a plane.Transport Bus - Passengers will be waiting to get to their destination within time so you will be required to use this to get passengers from the plane to the terminal safely and in good time. 机场停车场是一种乐趣,免费停车游戏,为您克服许多驾驶挑战。这20个级别中的每一个都被设计时考虑的一件事,这是为了让游戏乐趣的玩家。你将载超过50种不同停车任务,你被允许驾驶限期执行。你是必须保持平稳机场运行的飞机的土地一个人。你不会是唯一的汽车或飞机在机场周围移动。还会有其他工人进行不同的平面上类似的任务给你,可能只是落地,或飞机前往跑道。如果你撞上另一货物汽车或飞机,你会失败的任务,并导致上探班机场停了下来。如果你撞上飞机,这个伟大的部分是,它只是一个游戏,所以你就可以重新启动了第二次或第三次尝试的水平。史诗级别在各级,你将得到推动和推动各机场车辆是能在日常机场看到在这个自由的平面停车场游戏成功的机会。一旦你从你的起点掀起你必须把车开到你的目的地,你将在指定区域停放完成的水平。在这个模拟器的唯一任务,就是你的汽车或飞机进入停放在指定的区域。当你正在与时间,如果你在正确的地方不是你的楼梯汽车或卡车的食物,你会采取关闭他们的航班被延误的飞机有些任务将是非常具有挑战性。我们不想激怒飞行员!你拿在机场工作人员的所有任务的机会就在这里。加油飞机,从飞机驾驶,乘客到终端,运输飞机跑道和飞机运送行李到机场候机楼。车辆你会得到在这个机场停车场模拟器驾驶!行李车 - 开车这乘客行李运送到正确的平面。这些有时非常难以操作。要小心,不要赶过去你指定的卸货地点倒车停车,这些可以是非常棘手的完成。安全车 - 这将是驱动器为您的V.I.Ps供应安全和他们从飞机上安全运送到终端。油罐车 - 你必须把车开到加油站加满水箱然后才考虑到正在请求加油飞机。楼梯轿车 - 不是一个伟大的转弯车辆,所以你必须仔细规划的方法来停车。食品供应车 - 尽量不要下飞机的翅膀去与这个车,你一定会崩溃!在游戏中最复杂的车 - 推回拖轮。试图让回到正轨时,一拐错弯可以在这个上面免费停车场游戏引起这么多的问题。在此相反会根据你在拖带飞机如何熟练的表演。交通运输客车 - 乘客将等待到达目的地的时间内,所以你将需要使用它来获取从飞机上乘客的安全终端和美好的时光。
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:1.1.2 更新时间:2017-02-28 大小:47.4M
运营状态:运营 开发商:FOG.COM


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