《伐木傳奇》遊戲內容包含砍伐樹木、運送木材、建立自己的村莊。 《伐木傳奇》是一款擁有精美畫質的免費街機模擬遊戲。眾所周知,伐木業的樵夫和伐木工,他們總是從事著困難、危險並且不穩定的工作。但是,他們同樣展現了堅強、剛正和敢於直面危險的精神。在伐木傳奇中,你將依靠自己的雙手揮舞斧頭,砍伐樹木,運輸木材,最終建立起自己的夢幻小鎮。趕快拿起你的斧頭,來證明誰是最強的伐木工!遊戲特色:- 畫面精緻、動作可愛- 在廣袤的森林中盡可能多的砍伐樹木- 用指尖精密而簡單操作即可完成運送木材- 合併相同的材料,最終建立起自己的小鎮---Harvest trees, transport logs and build up your own hometown in Timber Story now. Timber Story is BEST looking FREE arcade simulation game.Known as lumberjack, workers in the logging industry often perform difficult, dangerous and intermittent work. But they managed to build a culture that celebrates strength, masculinity and confrontation with danger. In Timber Story, you will use axes to harvest the trees, drive the trucks to transport the logs andbuild up your dream town all by yourself. Now pick up your axes and see who is the best lumberjack.Game Features:- Stunning graphics and adorable animations- HARVEST vast forests as fast as possible- TRANSPORT logs with simple controls of finger-tip precision- BUILD your town by merging same forest products
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