Your passangers lifes in your hands! Here is a game for who wants an extreme pilot.Every mission you feel flight experiment. Your objective is simple, reach your passangers to destination point. But there is no luck for every time. You can experiment clear and sunny flight but also you can try to find your path in storm.This game is early beta version now and keep close to having more missons pack with next updates. And do not remembe to report us if you will find any glitch.If you had performance issues try to close your lightnin system.Now enjoy your game and be an awsome hero pilot!Have Fun! 您的乘客1静物画在你的手中!这里是一个游戏谁想要一个极端的试点。每一项任务,你觉得飞行试验。你的目标很简单,到达你的乘客1到目标点。但没有运气每次。你可以尝试晴朗,阳光明媚的飞行,但你也可以尝试寻找风暴路径。本场比赛是早期测试版本现在不断接近有更多missons包与下一个更新。而且不要remembe报告我们,如果你发现任何毛刺。如果你有性能问题,尝试关闭LIGHTNIN系统。现在,享受你的游戏,是一个要命的英雄飞行员!玩得开心!
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