Embark on an exciting adventure where you help Alex and Lisa back to the future through the mysterious Gates of Fate! Engulfed by the strange gate, they have been transported into the past and separated by a decade gap. Find clues and hidden objects, solve challenging puzzles, and bring them home safe and sound in The Treasures of Mystery Island 2: The Gates of Fate!Alex and Lisa have been sent back in time and separated across different decades. Help them return to the present in this epic hidden object puzzle adventure! You must acquire clues that will lead both Alex and Lisa back to the Gates of Fate, with the required artifacts to open the portal and return home! Their fate lies in your hands, guide them through this epic adventure in The Treasures of Mystery Island 2: The Gates of Fate!Features:- 14 exciting chapters- Vibrant yet mysterious locations to explore- Fun mini-games- Tons of quest items to find- Beatifully animated cutscenes 走上一个令人兴奋的冒险,你帮助亚历克斯和丽莎透过神秘的命运之门回到未来!奇怪的门所吞没,他们已经运到过去,相隔十年的差距。查找线索和隐藏的对象,解决具有挑战性的难题,并把他们带回家安然无恙的宝藏神秘岛2:命运的大门!亚历克斯和丽莎已经送回的时间和分离在不同的十年。帮助他们返回到目前在这史诗般的隐藏对象的解谜冒险!你必须掌握的线索,这将导致亚历克斯和丽莎回到盖茨的命运,所需的文物,打开门户网站和回国!他们的命运掌握在你们手中,引导他们通过这部史诗冒险的宝藏神秘岛2:命运的大门!特点: - 14个精彩章节 - 充满活力而又神秘的地方探索 - 好玩的小游戏 - 吨的任务物品找到 - Beatifully动画过场动画
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