Turning a fan-favorite genre on its head, the hyper-addictive Mad Skills Motocross plays and feels like no other side-scrolling racing game. The unparalleled physics engine and unexpected power-ups give you a level of control that you have to play to believe. Launch off an enormous jump, land on your rear wheel, hit the throttle, and leave your opponent in a spray of dirt—then brag about it on Facebook and Twitter! Mad Skills Motocross is fun for novices but deep enough for nearly endless competitive high-level play. You’ll need to master wheelies, stoppies, nitro, rocket boots, backflips, front flips, and much more to truly be the best.Features:* Change the appearance of your bike and rider* Compete on 52 tracks, from easy to very technical* 30 more awesome tracks available as in-app purchases* Compete in Career or Time Attack modes* Compete in either Amateur or Pro modes for varying levels of difficulty* Use five different power-ups to find faster ways through tracks* Race “ghosts” of your own or your friends’ best times* Watch replays of your best races 打开风扇最喜欢的风格发挥得淋漓尽致,超上瘾的越野摩托车了疯狂的技能一样,没有其他横向卷轴赛车游戏的感觉。无与伦比的物理引擎和意外断电给你,你必须发挥相信一定程度的控制。启动一个巨大的跳跃,土地上的后轮,打油门,让你的对手在一个喷雾的污垢,然后吹嘘自己在Facebook和Twitter上!疯狂的技能越野摩托车的乐趣新手,但足够深,近乎无限的高层次的竞争发挥。你需要主后轮平衡特技,stoppies,硝基,火箭靴,前空翻,后空翻,更是真正的最好的。产品特点:*改变你的自行车和骑手的外观*竞争52个曲目,从简单到非常技术* 30真棒曲目in-app购买*竞争的职业或时间攻击模式*不同程度的困难,无论是业余或专业模式竞争*使用五种不同的电源UPS,以更快的方式,通过首曲目*种族“鬼”你自己或你的朋友“最好的时代*观看您最佳的比赛重播
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