Welcome to the world of Weaphones, the ultimate firearms simulator for your phone or tablet.Blurring the line between digital and physical, Weaphones combines the two to create a fully interactive real world experience. Switch off the safety, load the magazine, rack the slide and fire, all without having the cops called on you.Ergonomically designed, Weaphones fit naturally into the shooter’s hand. All the important controls are located within a finger’s reach. The ability to resize, flip, zoom and relocate the Weaphone assures perfect fit no matter the size of hand or screen._______________________________» Realistic Sound, Smoke, Flash & Recoil Effects» Full Interaction and Control» Authentic Weapon Mechanics» Mini-Games and Accessories» Detailed Full HD Graphics» 100% Customizable to Fit User’s Hand Size and Preference → Lefty Flip → Rotate 180° → Scale → Move» User Adjustable Variables → Unlimited Ammo → Auto Reload → Weapon Jamming/Overheating → Accelerometer Reloading → Camera Flash Shooting → Multi-Device Linking Android to Android or iOS to Android (e.g. C4 and Detonator)» Weapon State Indicator (“Why Am I Not Shooting”)» Ultra Detailed Step-By-Step Animated Tutorial for Each Weaphone» Multi-Touch, Accelerometer & Camera Flash Support» Social Media Driven Future Content_______________________________Weapon Types:PISTOLSASSAULT RIFLESMGSLIGHT MACHINE GUNSNIPER RIFLESHOTGUNGRENADE & C4CROSSBOWRPGMINIGUN40MM GRENADE LAUNCHER_______________________________» Check out the ad-free version for more exclusive benefits 欢迎Weaphones,最终枪械模拟器为您的手机或平板电脑的世界。模糊数字和物理之间的界限,Weaphones结合这两个以创建一个完全互动的现实世界的经验。关掉安全,加载该杂志,机架幻灯片和火,都不必叫上你的警察。符合人体工程学设计,适合Weaphones自然进入射手的手。所有重要的控制都设在手指的范围。调整大小,翻转,缩放和重新定位Weaphone的能力,保证完美契合,无论手或屏幕的大小。_______________________________»真实的声音,烟雾,闪光和反冲效应»充分互动和控制»正宗的武器力学»迷你游戏和配件»详细的全高清显卡»100%定制以适合用户的手的大小和偏好 →左撇子翻转 →旋转180° →秤 →移动»用户可调变量 →无限的弹药 →自动重载 →武器干扰/过热 →重新载入加速度计 →相机闪光灯拍摄 →多设备链接到Android的Android或iOS到Android(如C4和雷管)»武器状态指示器(“为什么我没有拍摄”)»超详细的一步一步的动画教程每个Weaphone»多点触摸,加速度计和相机闪光灯支持»社会媒体驱动未来内容_______________________________武器类型:手枪突击步枪SMGS轻机关枪狙击枪SHOTGUN手榴弹,C4弩RPGMINIGUN40MM榴弹发射器_______________________________»检查出更多的独家利益无广告版本
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