This is a simulation game referring to the legendary sea battles between Korean naval forces led by Admiral Yi Sun-shin and Japanese naval forces that invaded Korea in 1592.The scenario is based on the famous five battles of 23 consecutive victories Korea won against Japan. Battle field, construction and upgrade exist for scenario clearing. You can find the description on the Korean and Japanese warships in the layout.It includes the challenge task. It also includes tutorial feature in the first scenario of Okpo naval battle.For a smooth process of the game, you should increase the power of a warship through construction and upgrade after obtaining the fund.You can obtain the fund by clearing each level of the battle field. You can check your fund on the upper left of the main screen. You will see that the fund increases automatically and slowly. 这是一个模拟游戏指的是由海军上将李舜臣和日本海军在1592侵略朝鲜领导韩国海军之间的传奇海战。该方案是基于连续23场胜利赢得了韩国对日本著名的五大战役。战场,建造和升级场景结算存在。你可以找到在布局中的韩国和日本军舰的描述。它包括了挑战的任务。它还包括在玉浦海战第一个场景指南功能。对于本场比赛的顺利进行,您应该通过增加一个建造军舰的动力和获得资金后升级。您可以通过清除战场上的每个级别获得资金。您可以检查在主屏幕的左上角您的基金。你会看到,该基金自动缓慢增加。
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