REAL PLAYERSRace against real players from all over the world and give them a close-up view of the dirt you leave behind! Win cool prizes and special items in the MULTIPLAYER storyline, as you advance your career as the crowd’s favorite. Make your way up in the leaderboard and show the world who’s the true boss of Dirt Xtreme!AMAZING TRACKSExperience the highest level of racing in the most awesome corners of the world! When was the last time you rode full gas on the top of Machu Picchu? Here’s your chance to do it!YOU’RE THE MECHANICUpgrade your vintage motorcycle and turn it into a roaring monster!Collect blueprints to unlock new bikes and styles, gather special items and assemble the one machine to rule them all. MYSTERY CASES & ONLINE MARKETTime is a friend to no one, especially when you have limited time to get the upgrades you need for your bike! Use the mystery cases to collect the best equipment for your motorcycle, and visit the online market for special items that regularly update!SHOW YOUR STYLECustomize your rider with the sickest outfits and make your opponents weep with fear!DOWNLOAD NOW AND LET YOUR DIRT XTREME XPERIENCE BEGIN! 真正的玩家争分夺秒来自世界各地,并给他们你留下的污垢的特写图。真正的玩家!赢得炫酷奖品和特殊项目在多人的故事情节,为你提升你的职业的人群的喜爱。让你的方式进步的排行榜和世界展示谁是污垢的Xtreme真正的老板!AMAZING TRACKS体验赛车的最高水平,在世界上最真棒的角落!当是你骑气十足的马丘比丘的顶部是什么时候?这里是你的机会做到这一点!你是技工升级你的老式摩托车,把它变成一个怪物的咆哮!收集蓝图解锁新的自行车和风格,收集特殊物品和组装一台机器来统治他们。神秘案例与网上市场时间是朋友没有一个人,尤其是当你只有有限的时间来获得您需要为您的自行车升级!使用神秘的情况下收集最好的设备,你的摩托车,并访问在线的市场特殊的项目,定期更新!SHOW YOUR STYLE同病得最重的衣服自定义您的骑手,让你的对手吓得哭了!立即下载,让你的污垢XTREME XPERIENCE开始了!
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