這是危機四伏的世界,雖然前方障礙重重,但你必須保持前行——停下就意味著死亡。在途中你將穿越草原、沙漠、雪山、火山、地牢,障礙各不相同但全都險象環生;而當你走在場景之間作為連接的小路上,更是要保持專注,正確地踏出每一步。在求生之餘你不妨拾取地上的金幣,以及解救被關在籠子裡的小精靈——它們是你的朋友,而且可以幫助你解鎖新的角色。遊戲特性:- 簡便的操作、很大的難度會激發你的挑戰欲;- 在5種不同場景中面對各種各樣的困難;- 19個外形各異的角色等待解鎖;- 令人舒心的美術風格和輕快的音樂---Prepare for a near impossible challenge in Zigzag Crossing now! Push your skills to the limit as you cross your way through dangerous passages and deadly obstacles.Stay alive on the road as long as you can and cross as many zigzags as possible. Do not slow down. Do not fall off. Do not give up!How to Play:- Tap on the left screen to jump left - Tap on the right screen to jump right.- Try to rescue the elves trapped in the cagesGame Features:- Simple color schemes designed- 20+ lovely characters to unlock and switch- 5 beautiful worlds to explore: grass lands, desert stacks, mountains, volcanoes, and dungeons
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